Stuck on host no longer present

The game sometimes get stuck on

Failed To Connect
The host that you attempted to connect with is no longer present

This usually happens if I leave a game after advising the host that if they want to be left alone they should set the game to invite only. It seems that the “lobby” (for want of a better word for this matchmaking atrocity) possibly gets stuck on the host you were just connected to but cant rejoin. I’ve sat for 20 minutes trying over and over with the same error message. The only way to reset is to quit the game completely and restart. It’s not like this is a new occurrence either so perhaps it could be looked into, maybe some time before the next DLC.

And on that note, you know, I really, really dont mind more frequent updates. You have a list of bugs as long as the arms of all your players put together so waiting until the next update/DLC to publish bug fixes is not a brilliant approach. Fix some bugs and push an update. Weekly for all I care, as long as some bugs get fixed.

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