Stuff we NEED plus is this it?

I reply to all of your posts.
Thanks for the credits.
You’re right. We can agree or disagree eachother. Everyone may have his own feelings of this game and his own opinion.

And while we’re writing so many words for something we probably will never see in Generation Zero, we just want to explain our arguments for or against the others.

And I just say that in my opinion it would be the opposite of what you think. That’s legal.

But relating to what I wrote before it’s of course legal that you have a different point of view and that my arguments are not as heavy to turn your point of view… Because see this game differently than me. And that’s fine.


Exactly, we’re passionate about the games we chose to play, and you always come to the table with some well thought out ideas. You and Mr_A1992 are almost always spot on, and bring up very good points. We may not always agree, but I have a feeling that y’all have the best interests of everyone at heart.