Sucks that my character doesn't know how ladders work

The title says it all… climbing ladders… would be a great idea, no?

(sarcasm) I know its a new concept to FPS games and all… but it may be doable? (/sarcasm)

Mine climbs ladders al the time. :rocket:

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Not if they are over about 40 degrees he doesnt… I said climb ladders not walk up ramps made of ladders…

Mine can get up the ladder with this angle. That’s normal ladder angle.


Maybe mines just “special”… cant climb up anything hardly without glitching all out and falling off after about 2 steps

I do have 7% jump boost on my shoes.

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So maybe you are “jumping” up the ladder and not climbing the ladder LOL


Yeah sure, there is no other mechanic then jumping for those ladders.

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Yes! I am a Resistance fighter but I can’t climb ladders or swim​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::grin:

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The ladder thing is annoying as hell, I dont get why there is no climbing ladder mechanic built in to the game.

I get the swimming, sort of, because if they just implemented swimming without any restrictions you would be able to cheese around the map and it makes sense you wont be able to swim very good or long with all the gear you are carrying around.
BUT - Falling in water = Instant teleportation to shore makes no sense either. Killed a rival who ended up in the water, like 3 meters from shore and 2 meters down, not being able to loot it almost made me rage quit :stuck_out_tongue:

This might seem like a basic thing, but if something like this is not implemented from the beginning it takes some animation work and programming/design, it’s unlikely we get anything like that, probably easier for dev to just put some box stacks on the map we can jump up.


I understand that this might be the case, just weird not having at least the climbing of ladders as a part of the game from the beginning :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember reading an old PC Gamer article about ladders in games, how they were notoriously difficult to implement for some reason. Wonder if it’s the same here, maybe it boils down to engine limitations.

It’s an engine thing most likely, some systems are harder to set up depending on which platform your game works. In some you might have to bind climbability to a specific object, on other you can just designate an area as vertically climbable. There’s a lot of different implementations, if you just hover up the ladder or if your character and animation needs to snap to it, or if it’s an interactable. You also need 1st and 3rd person animations because other people can see your character. Not saying it’s impossible, the gameplay programmers on GenZ will probably know which is the case :smiley:

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