Types & Lootrecepies for bobytrap suggestions in Generation Zero.
(with collected materials from looted robots, lootboxes and the GZ environment)
I have hidden the good once between some more fancy idea’s
Bouncing Betty:
grenade - iron wire - lead/iron/plastic pipe - piece of scrap-metall - large spring(from shockabsorber). -
Proximity Mine:
Setup 1: grenade - battery - electric wire - iron wire - electric motor - motion detector (like from automated store doors or from house/garden lighting or from robots) (and maybe ducttape).
Setup 2: mine - battery - electric wire - motion detector - small electric door opener (found in houses or small stores - a garagedoor opener could also be used but it is big and in reality needs a lot of power, but could work in games offcourse) (and maybe ducttape)
Timed Pyrobomb:
lightbuld - gasoline - battery - electric wire - cooking timer - (and maybe ducttape) -
botlle - gasoline - hankerchief/T-shirt/cloth - lighter (Zippo would be cool). -
Omni-directional tripwire mine:
grenade - Iron wire. -
Timed small explosive:
gas tank - grenade - battery - electric wire - iron wire - electric motor - cooking timer or analog clock - (and maybe ducttape) -
EMP proximity mine (will make the targetted robot stop functionning for a while):
EMP pack - battery - electric wire - motion detector - (and maybe ducttape) -
Mono-directional tripwire mine:
A true type Claymore mine could just be added to the game (would be nice to have that) Otherwise: metal armour plate - 2 handgrenades - iron wire (and maybe ducttape). -
Robot trapping device:
A simple poachers sling (to trap/catch robots so they are pinned down to one spot so they can be easely shot/handgrenaded/rocketlauched) Works up to the Hunter class, not beyond:
Steel wire (or iron wire) -
Freezing proximity mine - (like in Terminator II, nice effect if desired):
liquid nitrogen tank - grenade - battery - electric wire - electric motor - iron wire - motion detector (and maybe ducttape) -
Freezing tripwire mine:
liquid nitrogen tank - grenade - iron wire (and maybe ducttape) -
Huge pyro tripmine:
Gasolinecanister - grenade - iron wire (and maybe ducttape) -
Throwable pipe bomb:
Iron pipe - Iron endcaps - gunpowder (from dismantelling inventory bullets) - Nails (or Buckshot load from bullets) - fuse. (Although IMO the handgrenade has exactly the same function, so I would simply stick to the grenade and not use pipe bombs since we have
ready-to-go grenades in the game) -
Timable robot distraction device:
A simple cooking timer all by itself would do the trick Wind it up for the desired time, than place it on the ground and pull back to cover. Once time is over the timer will start making noise thus attracting robots. When you position yourself right you should be able to shoot them in the back. -
Throwable sticky (ultra) strong electromagnet (will cause electric failliure and make the targeted robot go amok on other robots for a certain amount of time):
insulated copper wire - plastic tube - strong batterypack (maybe on/off switch and maybe ducttape or double sided ducttape)
If people like this idea(it’s very powerfull) - the building material could be made more scarce for an even stronger version, as instead of a simple plastic tube one could use a weak-iron core to build it. Since suche a strong weapon should not be all to easely constructed “weak-iron” scrap metall (wich makes an even stronger magnet) could be a rather scarce resource in the game. We would have 2 versions than, one with plastic tubing, more easy to find, that works up to Hunters and a stronger “more rare” version that has a weak-iron core to target even Harvesters and Tanks.
Proximity (ultra) strong electromagnet:
adding electric wire - small battery - and a motion detector to either a strong or ultra strong electromagnet. -
Timed high explosive charge:
1 or 2 rockets - grenade - battery - electric wire - iron wire - electric motor - cooking timer or analog clock (and maybe ducttape) -
Proximity high explosive charge:
1 or 2 rockets - grenade - battery - electric wire - iron wire - electric motor - motion detector (and maybe ducttape) -
VERY RARE: Special Seeker Chip: will allow players, when equipped, to walk freely amoungst robots for a certain timeperiod. If the player is still amoungst the robots when the time is up she/he will be detected:
Very rare robot signal chip - battery or large battery pack - electric wire (maybe a switch and maybe ducttape).
If a large battery pack is added instead of a small battery, time to walk amoung the robots is expanded. Ideal for a team-mate in co-op to go ahead and place some gas/air tanks or other traps in robot infested area’s and return safely to her/his teammates to start a coordinated attac.
(Evidently this can also be a very rare Runner/Hunter/Harvester or Tank chip, doesn’t matter what enemy it comes from, the Devs can choose, but it will be VERY RARE and VERY HARD to find in the game. It could also have like an expiration date/max. times of use)
This chip will be NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to find in the game, but if someone out there manages to find it anyway somehow. Well congratulations to you. Cause if you attache a large battery pack to this ULTRA RARE chip along with some electric wiring and a electric toy car remote,
your most wanted GZ fantasy will come true as it will allow you to take over the controll of the mighty Generation Zero Tank for xxx minutes. (Better enjoy it cause this chip also has an expiration date/max. times of use):
Ultra rare chip - battery pack - electric wire - electric toy car remote -
And just for fun (and cause I don’t know if number 20 is that easy to programm for the Devs) here a last one, number 21, which is even one of my favorits out of all the above as GZ (the 80’s) reminds me of my childhood.
Robots have electric circuits right? So why not use simple waterballons to destroy those circuits?
Easy enough I believe and notice, in geurillia warfare and home defence, everything can become a weapon Evidently the balloons have to be in really bright colours and they should not be so easy to find neighter. They sure would be effective but I also like the funny aspect of people(including me) looking for waterballons in a game with such fearsome weapons and robots. And just so you know,
yes I thought about that, it rains in 80’s Sweeden so waterballons would not harm them if rain can’t right? Well, evidently our waterballons will, since they are filled with salt water and contain tinfoil shreddings:
Waterballoon - salt water (or Salt and Water) - tinfoil(aluminiumpaper used in households) - (and maybe a shreddingmachine to shredd paper, found at offices in the game, not necesarry though)
Effect: Could either destroy them, or confuse them, or make them go amok on other bots. (Whatever is most desirable = only one out of these options offcourse) Would work up to the Hunter class.
Well, that’s it for me. Evidently components could be reduced.
I hope atleast a few of these could be interesting.
Note: I specially “ONLY” covered “BOBYTRAPS” and “TRAP ALIKE ITEMS” in this tread,
as I want to keep it seperated from other things people would like to see in the game
such as selfmade automated weapons or other weapon types, skins, added skills,
character behaviour (like sleeping, eating, drinking), vehicle suggestions, etc…
Just to keep “bobytraps” in one toppic.
Feel free to add other bobytrap idea’s you all think should make it into this list aswell.
I’m sure the Devs would love to get some different opinions and idea’s on this,
even the question: “if we should have them in the game or not?”
So please feel free to share your thoughts.
My personal favorits are:
- Simple cooking timer
- Waterballons with salt water and aluminium foil shreddings
- A true claymore mine - or a selfmade one
- Electromagnets (strong and ultra strong)
- Both of the chip types - Walking amoungst robots & controlling a GZ Tank for a short time.
(*and if the chip idea is to hard to create I’ll go for the poachers sling or the molotovcoctail on number 5)
Just one last thought to leave you with:
Generation Zero is kind of a tribute to the 80’s.
True “bobytrap crafting” would definately add
“Macgyver” and “The A-team” to the equation, wouldn’t it ?
Cheers, Moon.