[SUGGESTION]"Planet" "underdroidelated"?

Also FNIX class Ticks are wired to go boom on contact. They’re fast and spooky

I fail to get the issue here.

They are meant to wander around and try to kill you.
That is their job, to become the most annoying you ever encountered.
They are meant to kill you…

As for boom on impact, too bad the boom has no effect on you…
It should be walking, targeting grenades.

If you looked, the first reply wasnt directed towards you or complaining about this. It was directed towards @ColdwarWHLO , who said they wished bots would wander. Which the already do. Lol.

And the, uh, explosion, does affect you. They literally have three bricks of C4 wired to them. They go boom. Died to them several times.

My apologies.
Misunderstood your post.

As for explosion: I make sure they do not get to me, lol, so…
Back up and shoot.
However, a few said the explosions don’t do damage, on Discord?

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the explosions are bugged to the point of nonexistence unless meeting a specific set of criteria lol, the game is still pretty raw.