Suggestions to increase the game's suspensefulness and emergentness


I would love to see a more difficult game mode. I am a huge fan of theHunter Primal and that game is so suspenseful. For me this seems to be lacking in GZ.

I think it is because GZ is quite easy and forgiving (on PC at least). Would it be possible to add a hardcore mode in which there is:

  • No radar/enemy indicator
  • No instant respawn
  • Less ammo and less guns. There is soo much ammo everywhere. In the Primal you really feel naked and underpowered. Especially at the lower levels. This makes you act more careful.
  • Decrease the number of enemies and make them way harder to take down. Now there is no need to avoid an enemy and they do not instill fear.
  • No instant respawn. I don’t get how this system works. I have soo many adrenaline shots and whenever I die I respawn instantaneously with all my gear intact. Dying has no negative impact on the game, devaluating your life. The death/respawn mechanic of Primal makes your more careful and increases the respect for all the dangers on the island. It also prevents you from running around in the open like an idiot :slight_smile:

I would love to see these or related changes to the game. Looking forward to the coming updates.

Additionally: the inventory screen is soo bright and clean, completely disconnecting from the games atmosphere and mood. Especially at night. Perhaps also it covers the whole screen, feeling like a menu screen instead of something more related to my inventory. I think a more toned down, darker overlay would be more engaging (btw, this also applies to the map screen)


Kind regards,

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