Super Fast Explosive-Rounds?

I was curious if there was any new weapon im not aware that you can shot up to 10 Round of explosive-round with the launcher because i encountered a player spamming explosive-round like 10Round/s it was crazy fast and laggy at the same time but was destroying almost anything lol

I sadly didnt saved his name and neither a screen record , maybe he was hacking :frowning:

There’s a six round grenade launcher from the newest weapon pack, but nothing so destructive I would think.

If it was one of the bigger launchers, they were most definitely hacking.

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oh yeah it was a bigger launcher than the grenade launcher and it was more than 6 , I understand now i was sadly playing with an hacker lol, thanks!

This? It’s a glitch. This time it’s not a feature.

I had this before where my mouse had an autofire button, clicking once was like clicking normally 50 times, then the exp. Grenade launchers only spat out grenades if you had enough with you, perhaps that is the reason for the abnormal rate of fire.

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That couldn’t be true except when using additional hacks, as you would need to reload after every Shot normally.

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That was in the early days when the game was just six months or a year old, so it worked every now and then, back then you could still carry tons of ammunition around because there was no weight to limit it

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