Super increased spawn rate and irritating despawns

After the April 2020 update, I have gotten my butt whipped into a fine butter by the sheer amount of enemies spawning. For example: At F23 Överby Air Force Base, I fought 5 Tanks (4 others that i didn’t kill were also there), 10-15 FINX class Hunters, 20 runners, etc. These are only estimates, because of all the fighting, I couldn’t actually count them(other than the tanks). This is all on the easiest setting as well, and after I finally fought most of them I then died, only to come back and find even more enemies than there were last time. The most infuriating thing was that all the robot bodies were gone, and I hadn’t got to loot them. I have experienced this unusually large spawn rate over the last few days. Anything you guys might be able to do to lower it, and stop the bodies from despawning?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Machine behaviour post April 2020 update