Systemic Reaction Reveals Ravenbound (Uh... What?)


I’m a bit confused… I thought that Systemic Reaction was about 30-ish people.

How can you develop three games, one of them being in Early Access (EDIT: I noticed it’s leaving “EA” in October), with such a small team?

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Ravenbound? O another game, great I put it in my Wishlist.

Reaction vid with some additional info about game:

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Seems an interesting game.

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It’s currently in the beta-testing phase. Check out its discord. :coffee:

There is several teams within SR, 1 team per game. Ravenbound has a team, SE has a team and GZ has a team.


Thanks for replying.

I bet there are. How big are those teams though? And do people work exclusively in the same team, or do they constantly move between teams?

From what ik, GZ and SE both have a 30+ team but Ravenbound im entirely unsure about. And as far as ik about them moving between teams, that doesnt happen. Its consisted of different people for each team, no one from other teams.


I thought that Systemic Reaction was only 30+ employees. Maybe they are a bit bigger than I thought. Obviously, I’m curious to read an official statement.

The original project director of GZ (Emil Kraftling) is now the director of Ravenbound.



I think that is good news for Ravenbound. I liked the original vision of Gen Zero, not so much the direction it is going now under present director.


I thought I knew that name… Thanks for confirming.

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I think Emil Kraftling is the Creative Director of Systemic Reaction, thus of all 3 teams. :coffee:

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I perhaps thought that, but he’s listed specifically as the game director of Generation Zero rather than the “creative director” back then. Either way, I find it hard to imagine that in a small studio working out of the same offices in Stockholm, running in the same in-house engine, that there aren’t any shared resources.

Speaking as someone who has directed teams of developers on multiple projects simultaneously, not sharing resources / skills across projects would seem like a very poor decision.


Yeah, I believe that that would of course happen within a small studio, and is perfectly OK if resources are shared when it is necessary.


I asked Emil Kraftling: His answer…

“I oversee the direction on all projects but each project has Design Leads that handle the majority of creative decisions on a Daily basis, and other leadership colleagues who are responsible for other aspects of the games.”


16 minute gameplay of Ravenbound