Tanks and Harvesters have an Impossible Firing Angles

Something I have realised about tanks and harvesters whilst in combat, is that depending on where the player is when they are targeted by the machines, and which way the machine happens to be facing at the time (in this case all most backwards for tanks and sideways for havesters) can for some reason still manage to target you at an impossible angle which in some case (with tanks) can also lead to them being able to shoot through themselves.

Am I the only one who is experiencing this problem? Let me know down below and like it you want the devs to see this post.

Happy Hunting!!!


It’s definitely something I’ve noticed as well, sometimes a Tank’s rocket launcher is angled towards it’s legs as it walks, and it still fires towards you. Or a Harvester with it’s fixed back launchers still manage to hit you from a sidewards angle. I’m sure this is something that can be improved over time :slight_smile:


@J053phH1.LL @Zesiir
I actually see that as good.
They already have very much issues taking on players.
A bug in their favour, thus, seems more than very welcome?

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I have to disagree, having colliding objects (tank rockets and bullets) that go through the machines texture boxs (legs in this case) is a major factor that can ruin the immersion that many players like myself seek out in a game like Generation Zero.


its called poor game mechanics :wink: same goes for machines, still able to run and walk when you destroy their leg components.


That’s what I thought. I’ve been waiting for this post my whole life!!! Thank you.


And the constant fail of machines does not???
Seriously… that’s just… not right, brother.
If THAT annoys you, then you missed a whole lot that’s FAR worse.

This topic is about the weapon mechanics of Machines and how they can be improved upon, not what defines immersion in a game. Off-topic posts have been removed.


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