Tanks are too hard

Ok… It’s just that I believe in several of Tene’s videos, the Tanks seem not to shoot its machineguns. Maybe Tene has a secret trick up his sleeve that he should share with us - or maybe he’s just damn lucky… :sunglasses: :wink:

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Preparation is key to all success.

Confidence makes sure you remember it.

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I think they’re too easy to kill due to stupid AI, but I feel like if they were smarter, I would have to agree with you that they’re slightly too tanky. I find myself ads around corners picking away at their legs while completely safe a lot. They still take sooooo many shots to take down though.

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@Krausladen They did make them smarter by making their AI much more aggressive and unwilling to give you breathing space.
from the most recent update to the combat roles of the AI
The tank only used its machinegun at a range of about 20 meters. NEW : They now use their machine gun at a range of 50meters to 120meters.

Rockets and ticks are on a rotation now so they have to reset/reload/cooldown before being used again
so a pattern could be a salvo then ticks then another salvo or salvo then ticks then more ticks or a machinegun belt

to summarise this up tanks are harder than previous.

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Honestly I see no issue with tank difficulty. A friend and I can take on two Fnix and a Apoc plus all there tag alongs. It’s all about strategy and prioritizing during battle.

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With the introduction of difficulty levels, tanks aren’t that hard if you choose Adventure Difficulty.

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Not quite Tanks, but there were 6 of them, 2 behind the 4 that are not visible in the screenshot and 10 Runners from what can be seen Lmao.
Guerilla difficulty!
RIP ammo!
Still victorious!

You need to change up your playstyle to deal with multiple Tanks, I have had 4 tanks in a cluster granted I had a backup but they always bombard us and autocannon when close enough.
Use EMP Shells with the Carl Gustav, close range, switch weapons and unload on the Autocannon, the easiest way is to take out its offensive capabilities if you are good enough you can drop EMPs by its feet.

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Hear hear!

Agree 100%, even with scaling turned off and difficulty turned to “Adventure” its ludicrously hard!

These types of things takes the word FUN out of the game!

I had a similar discussion on the Bethesda Board regarding Doom Eternal, and was almost shelled with the expression, “Git Gud”
FFS, i grew up with Pac Man and Galaga, Centipede, so i know what difficult games should look like. Games of today have a different scaling. And they spoil the gamer in holding their hands almost though the whole experience.

As long as this hand-holdning is absent its ok, people adapt and overcome. But implement this feature in to many games and people soon will be used to it and demand it in every upcoming piece of software. Cause we, WE, are getting either lazy, comfortable or plain spoiled. So when it later comes a new game with different scaling and difficulty people freak out.

This is where game demos come in, if you the gamer have the possibility to play a game in advance and try out the mechanics and get a feei if its for you or not. Then its a fair deal. This was not happening with DE2020. We know why, cause of greed. So many are frustrated and angry and rightly so.

I have Nier Automata, and i will never finish that game. And if i would have had a game demo, i would have bought it either. But i will but FF7 and RE3 cause i got the possibility to try them out. And they work on said hardware.

Sorry, got carried away a bit there. but thats me!

Yeah, in short, tanks are to hard!

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pick your fights carefully , if you go all in rambo solo , its obviously going to end badly . also remember about targeting of machines , it can be disrupted and changed , also that a co-op player can be targeted by a machine and chase them while u unload hell on them. its all strategy .


I play on the PS4, and I find myself having a harder time trying to dodge Tank’s missiles and mortars. The missile’s spread always seems to get me and the mortars blast radius is incredibly large (I can see where the mortar will hit and no matter how far I am it will hit is I’m the tank’s target). However, I didn’t seem to have as much of an issue with this when I was playing on another friends world (I learned they change the difficult setting).

I learned to find shelter (to avoid at least one form of their attacks) and take out one of the weapons (taking out both seems to turn them into rampaging stompers). Once that is complete start aiming for soft spots (the tiny head that holds the gun, the eye on the left side, shoulder joint, ect) when one soft spot blows move the next.
Fireworks are very effective in dazing them long enough to do damage while in the open, and is best when they are alone.

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If you purchased the game on April or after it´s normal to have a “hard time” dodging missiles and mortars because it´s a bug that they did not fix after it was introduced, and we are still waiting for a running update.
For more information search the forum for latest updates and bugs, and also look for the latest Xbox update and what it brought to the players to understand why they still have not launched the ps4 update.

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peek from cover, at distance aim at the top of the legs with X PVG 90 & AP Rounds

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Just shoot em and blamo they dead :grin:

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The tanks are alarming and very intense and perilous - yet some may need a significantly harder test. In the event that you additionally need a greater machine in Generation Zero - remark! Additionally, concoct some name recommendations or perhaps plan the new machine in Adobe PS or something. Envision confronting a machine greater than the tank.

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