[Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Soviet boat glitched door

Cleaned up thread. Posts regarding the missing door in the hovercraft have been removed, since a separate bug report has been made about it.



a hole in the ground
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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Soviet boat glitched door

All church’s with columns like in the video have the same problem of being able to walk inside of them posted way before the latest patch and yet they still exist

From a Jun 10, 2021 Video

From a Feb 14, 2022 Video

This one I found, too, few weeks ago (before Landfall! ).

Forgot the exact place and to make a screenshot, so thx.

Found this hole:

At this position


Thanks for a really fun game!

Moved to terrain hole thread.


More of a terrain tear