The ability to craft useful equipment

Seeing as how we got the ability to tailor our clothes, why not the ability to craft items like first-aid kits and flares. To craft items like the standard first aid kit, you’ll need dismantle a few of them to learn how to craft them.

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i agree with the general idea, but belive there should be schematics that you’d need in order to craft the items.
The schematics could also have different levels.

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Or, perhaps, if we cannot increase the quality (and therefore % bonus) of crafted boosts for clothing, can we use the recycled mats to create ammo? New player to this game, and honestly thought the % bonus would stack on clothing somehow. However, it seems I am picking up and storing mats for no reason since I have crafted the upgrades on my clothing (assuming I do not pick up pieces of a whole new outfit that I want to put into use). Not complaining as I have heard crafting is a new feature and in development, but I am running out of space for mats and also burning through ammo on 3-4 Tanks at a time. Killing them is not sustainable with simple looting (skirmish mode). Would love to see the ability to turn all of those recycled materials put to good use!

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You can store crafting resources inside Recycling Station, so that they don’t take up your valuable inventory space.

As for ammo, unlock the Salvage skill (Tech -> right tree -> 3rd skill). It helps a lot.
I have Salvage lvl2 and i find far more ammo than i can possibly spend.