The Archipelago world collectable unobtainable after game reset

No idea if it is appropriate or not, but…

Can I report the same thing for the first Tick (Prototype) Blueprint ?
It is supposed to be in the containers at Källviken on Iboholmen (3211.194, 3064.060).

When I picked GZ up back in august of 2019 I played through the questline but I never knew if something was supposed to drop there.
Now when hunting for collectibles, the containers are there, the area has a name but no blueprint can be found in any of them.

I play (and played the questline) solo, on PS4.

Threads merged.


Prototype Tick blueprint is at -904.3, -2543.9

A the location You specified is a Prototype Runner blueprint.

Went to the specified location, found 3 containers, searched them all but found not a single blueprint.

So, are you sure?

Because the Iboholmen Källaviken location, for me on my map indicates “Collectibles: 0/1”
And I do have the Prototype Runner blueprint but not the Prototype Tick one.

as of the latest update I still cannot get the Archipelago world collectible any word on if a hot fix for this will ever happen? i play on the PS4

Is it for a specific trophy, or just for your collection tally?

Collection as it is a collectible

OK, I had a work around for missing / glitched collectables last year. I’ve got a guide somewhere. Let me look into the archives, and ill try put a guide together for the Archipelago world collectable.

So just to confirm, your not seeing the map ( collectable ) in Yttervik, inside the house on the 2nd floor. Its basically where you start the game, and it’s next to binoculars.

Correct it’s not there, here is a screenshot showing the collectible tab for reference

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Right, I’m due to tick off a few photos myself this evening in the DLC, so I will do a dummy run this evening to see if it still works.

Have you used multiple characters across multiple playthroughs to add to the complete collection or just sticking with the one main?

unfortunately whenever i create a new character it never starts me off at the beginning, so again i can never get this collectible because everything is shared it seems between characters including completed missions it seems

Where does it start you?

where my main last logs out
and as a reminder i play on the PS4 but also, and idk if this is even a factor, I run the game from a physical retail copy or disc copy rather

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On Xbox it is not there. Nor has it been there since this thread was 1st started in November of 2019 for me.

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Hello @Keegan_2486 on Xbox I see the same thing & have been since November. Thank you for posting this image!

BTW I run from a Downloaded copy not physical copy so do not think that is a factor here.

I was just about to finish up got all of my collectibles if it wasnt for the first Archipelago world collectable ide be done too

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I’ve managed to look into the collectable today, and as you pointed out its neither there for new characters, starts you wherever you left off not at game start. I also knew there was something dodgy when there was no trigger for the first weapon, or “kill a machine” prompt at the police car, and on your way to the church it leaves you fully exposed to 3 runners not how I remember playing the game.

The other angle to this ( and may be your saving grace) would be the fact that you are playing on disc, and have the opportunity to put the game in its original format, allowing the collectable to load at game start. Like the Pagen I also am on Xbox, and am at the mercy of digital downloads, as well as the bitter sweet updates monthly from Avalanche.

So to a possible solution, well - I would try one thing IF this was my own profile and I wanted to 100% the game which I did, and have done now - BUT it did some with one particular achievement that would not unlock so I put my console in its original state. Started a brand, brand, brand, new game -and levelled up to the point of getting the gear for the achievement. I don’t know how, or when, or what I did specifically to unlock it one day - it was just “unlocked” after re-connecting my profile.

I’ve had to do this for probably 30+ Xbox games that have glitched with collectables, weapons, achievements, over the years and there is a chance that IF it loads the map and you collect it, it may sync into your tally if you re-sync your profile in game.

My issue was the “Splash Damage” achievement, if you fancy a read ->

Yeah, same things on PS4. Can’t find the collectibles I already collected on another character. And, I respawn where I left off of my other character.

That is called shared game world and it is working as intended.