Carni, While I’ve made a number of suggestions in the past, I have one request regarding this final update. At the very least, allow players to travel to all of the large islands. Even if you’re going to do nothing more than just lay down a bridge, please make it possible for players to go to all of the large islands- and preferably without having to blow themselves up. I like the challenge of trying not to die if at all possible, so not having to blast myself across a body of water would be a plus. This beautiful map is one of the strongest assets that this game has.
Respectfully submitted…
Same here. There was a period of time where it was relatively easy to set the conditions for the appearance of the screechie little fiends and then it was on for young and old. I have some video and screenshots to reminisce
Fortunately I have managed to gain all the masks and quite a number of the gnome tick pods.
you can try asking multiplayer people’s on the game system your on, multiplayer people, also, firework boxes, snowballs, selma
I have a good number of pods, too, but of the masks I’m just missing one. The cyborg gnome, my favourite one.
I reckon an event is needed
Yes, that would be too much work A cool idea nevertheless!
This is not something we’re looking into. The unfinished islands are, well, unfinished, and doing the work to give players access to unfinished and empty areas is not high priority enough
Because I just encountered this last night…
Attacking a base is almost unplayable on Series X right now. The framerate drops so low when all the robots swarm out that controller movements are effectively decoupled from the viewport.
It would be nice to solve that.
the mask may have been removed because, game developers saw that if people all had gnome mask then people wouldn’t use the cosmetics, earrings, hats, makeup, face paint,
just another theory
Nope, definitely not that😊 Here’s the Dev stream where Carni explained what happened. Time stamp 13:55
Thank you for over 815 hours of gameplay in a beautiful landscape that conveyed the great and mysterious atmosphere of the story very well.
But every story, especially the good ones, has an end at some point - it has to. The same goes for hopes, which are eventually overtaken by reality and die - like everything eventually.
Many thanks also to the community for the interesting discussions and the pleasant exchange of ideas.
A thousand thanks! Tusen takk!
Will the game remain available to players after the end of its development? or will it be killed off like second extinction, and remain unavailable to players who spent money to purchase it?
The answers are in the starting post.
Damn i even forgot about that game, did not know they are going to shut if off, its just like with The Crew Ubisoft title, the costumers wont be able to play it when the servers are down.
It was a waste of resources that could have been used with GZ, we could have in fact 2 other islands and an actual new enemy faction or npcs there.
No, not really. The Crew was a finished game. Second extinction not… just an early access title.
Even after the shutdown they could have helped the team of GZ to continue or start more stuff. But obviously they went on to other projects.
You did not understood what i implied.
Its the same in the way people paid for the product and cant play it!
Im really pissed i paid for The Crew, including the DLC, and its a game you coud even play Solo, and i cant no longer play it because of Ubisoft!
They already did a while back, they pulled the rug right before its full release to the dismay of the consumers
Hence the overwhelmingly negative reviews on steam before the page got removed
You can play Gen Zero offline now, I don’t see that stopping when the game is no longer supported. So you could still play Gen Zero.
My concern is how the skill tree is going to be affected. The fun part of the game is having 4 characters that can be different specialists for assorted styles of play. Is that going away?
We can play it offline now, but we cant never be 100% sure until its 2026 or something.
Well That might be a fun part for you
Its not for me and for others, so unless they change it radically, i dont really see any problem
I dont even intend do unlock every skill, but there are indeed a few more i wish to make my character more complete.
You can have the skills and “class” you wish, its not a fixed class system like Battlefront COD and other multiplayer games.
You can even choose to not have any active skills at all to make the game a more hardcore experience, that we already have, pretty cool.
the final update would update the game in a way that requires Internet connection to play forever that would be hilarious,
but just to be on the safe side, I’m not updating my game until I hear want the folks on here have reported about the final update