The Final Showdown Update (12th dec) - rumours and discussion (wiki)

Hi @Gysbert , just wondered - I’m not entirely up on recent events here - if the encircled areas in the sea south of Saltholm necessarily have to be islands? Could it be ships at anchor perhaps serving a function for the resistance?


The announcement of the final update mentions a new area - not specifically a new island :thinking:


True, but an area we haven’t been on. What else can it be, the mainland?
Edit: O wait you are right, it can be an new attached area on Ostertorn.

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Not islands but houses in Salthamn, because of the street names on the map. But Initially (on first map the one with only 3 circles) they could’ve been ships or landingzones.

Edit: Here two cut-outs

That shows that the circles fit the brown houses. These are the houses of the 4 people I listed a few post earlier.

salthamn map found at Anya zone


No, but an underground area…
Maybe at FOA2, or even Bunker 666.
Or a location we haven’t been yet, because it just wasn’t there yet… A facility at Kilsberget.

The great question is:
On which way will we get to the new area.
Directly… By bridge or tunnel or ferry or something else…
Or indirectly by something like a cutscene… Like:

We get knocked down, the screen turns black.
When we awake, we’re somewhere else. We directly look into Bolshakovs face. He tells something about a showdown to prove his newest inventions, the ultimate weapon to end the war… And to get hands on fnix.

And bam… Suddenly we are somewhere off the map, on monster island or in a location on one of the big islands with no way out.



I just came to some sort of conclusion here

Would that mean that we can’t go there again after the showdown is done? I would not like that. Like RÖ, #10011 facility or FOA 53 no longer accessible. Hope not… :crazy_face:

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Well, I would be surprised if the map is changed like adding more land mass to an existing area. I did actually consider the mainland, as it would make sense to control and supervise from there (and then the whole situation got out of hand). Another problem with the mainland is, that it becomes undefined outside the map (actually it ends abruptly in the sea). Then I considered something underground but the announcement mentions terrain which I interpret as an open air location …

But we are encouraged to read up on lore, especially those russian dolls … and where did these russian landing crafts come from … could we be going to an island not on the map yet? A russian island that will pop up in a frame in the lower right corner?

This is just speculation, off course. I’m sure you guys will be proven right. It is one of the existing islands

Anyway, if they saved an island, wouldn’t it be cool if one day a parallel story were released on that? Like “Blueshift” and “Opposing Forces” from Halflife? Perhaps you would play the role of a machine :smile: Well, unfortunately not likely to happen.


That could be possible.
Or, a direct way to that area just opens after the showdown.

Imagine opening a specific door and then we see an animation like in resident evil 1-3… An opening door… The screen turns black for a few seconds with a loading screen… And suddenly we stand right in front of the door of bunker 666… Which can now be used to travel there.

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Pherhaps there is a mission that we have to chase Bolshakov and we have to sneak up on one of the Hovercrafts with that Bolshakov will escape to an Isand where a russian base is. When the russian dolls play a role in it than pherhaps this could be.


Another idea…

I once more read this part of the announcement and looked for some hidden hints:

We have:

  • a screenshot of some kind of facility we’ve never seen before
  • “will take place in a new area that you haven’t been to before”
  • “but it will give us the space needed to tell the last part of our narrative”
  • “exploring new terrains with a unique feel and many bits of environmental storytelling

Here we have:

  • “community feedback”
  • “Experimental weapons”

So my idea was a mix of a story idea I once had (where do all the pods with hunters and runners come from?) and a running gag.


What we see on the screenshot is a facility of the swedish space program. By that, we will be able to go into space. Or better: towards the russian space station MIR, captured by FNIX and used to drop machines by pods. Maybe we’ll come to the moon, too, but finally it’ll be a new terrain with a unique feel… And there is enough space for environmental story telling.

It’s the last step of stopping FNIX… And to stop Bolshakov and the golden circle (?). The soviets want their space station back, they want to save the abilities coming along with it and they want access to FNIX.
Our only chance is: destroying the MIR.

It also would offer a way for new special cosmetics and it could be a good reason for some very special experimental weapons.


Haha, you teaser :wink:

Update: contents were added after my reply - I was just impatient.


Now I’m rather clumsy when handling gas cannisters and consequently they tend to send me flying off in all possible directions. Which mean that I’ve been more or less all over the place. I’m obviously pretty curious … somewhere that I haven’t been to before … :cowboy_hat_face:

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Because the tunnel with the buried undergroundrailway where Bolshakov had a showdown with that female russian officer. Sorry i have lost her name. Pherhaps we could blast away the rocks and can follow the railway to Bolshakovs Quarter.


I had to send the post to become able to move back to the announcement to copy and quote more text… You just were too fast.

It’s done now

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But that is quite a bit inland, and the blocked tunnel is leading east, isn’t it? So it probably wouldn’t lead to the big western island :thinking: Still, it would be nice to know what is going on with that underground railroad.


Obvisiously the tunnel will lead to the big hole. I think it’s Tyloväden. When you going down at the ground zero at the east side, there is a ramp you can go down and some closed red doors but in some rips in the concrete you can see a structure behind the walls. Many times before we where guessing what is behind the doors.


Don’t be surprised, because they did it before. The area for South Coast control point Kalebyviken west of Lannbacka is new land that we didn’t had before.





Now that is imaginative :open_mouth: And it would be quite unexpected. And I must admit that the gas cannisters have never shipped me of to the Moon. Or Mir for that matter :smile:

I have been to the Moon in Portal 2 though.

I didn’t recognize the big white cylinder in the middle of the teaser picture as a rocket - I thought it was a chimney. But I see it now :grinning:


You’re right, @Gysbert! And some minor islands not far from Fiskebäck … they also appeared out of nowhere! I totally forgot about that …

Edit: Lännbäcka - not Fiskebäck. I’m a bit rusty in Östertörn geography apparently :face_with_diagonal_mouth: