The Final Showdown Update (12th dec) - rumours and discussion (wiki)

I can confirm what gzbizz’s purposed for the location my initial theory has been debunked… this is now my belief as to where it is located at.

I color coded the locations. The first one is the official image with color marked areas. The second is an overlay of a screenshot from the area of when I purpose the official image is. There is a large rock structure that I was not able to climb, but might need to SSP up to the top to get a batter vantage point as I could only get one from the base of it.

Original with color coded areas

Color Coded areas

One of the possible locations

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Oh now I got it… Really? Looking towards the coast?

If you consider the roads and a high building that can look over the trees, the location may be further land inward nearer to access roads.

I will be even happier if the update utilizes the road tunnels at DLC island 4. Images copied from Steam.


D-Day Beach Assault. Image copied from Steam.

@Thomas1 Just so you know…

Communicating exploits and how to reproduce them, is a bannable offense.
Get it together, people.



I currently wonder:
How did you manage to get there?

Using the SSP just leads to a “you don’t own this content…”-reset for me.

Send me a PM.

All images I post are from Steam posts,

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You think it could be a way out, while the tease says “Something could be behind it”. :thinking:
Unlikely, I think we need to go in through that door. But we might come out that door again, when/if we live. :laughing:

Oh, we’ll live, my friend.
We will live like KINGS!

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There is a new preview.
An image and a sound, while I just was able to share the image.

See the starting post at todays update.

Looks like some kind of a missile launcher! (Could be wrong though)

The sound indeed initially sounds like putting a shell into a launcher, but then the shooting sounds like a HP5.

So maybe an exp HP5, loaded with a drum of 9mm smg bullets, a radar for locking targets and If you pull the trigger, a whole bunch of 9mm bullets are set Off and find their way to the targets alone.

With the clues coming out daily, this could mean the release of the update will hit before Christmas. Then everyone leaves for holiday.

And it will be 1 more month to fix the new bugs from the"LAST UPDATE" :sweat_smile:

Speaking of access to roads and so on… What about this place ? There’s a winding road uphill and some flat space for buildings, etc. Plus the view angle doesn’t differ too much from @gzbizz 's picture I’d say.

Just a thought though

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Either way, either they took really good perspectives for the screenshots, or it’s the wrong direction.

On the first we can’t see any structures, nor the dish.
On the second we can’t the anything of muskudden port or klinte.

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Right but maybe the point of view is too high above sea level and the view on Klinte and Muskudden is hidden behind the control panels ? :thinking: Well… I guess we have to wait for the occasion to get that view first hand… :man_shrugging:


O right, totally did not see that possibility. But yes It could be there.

This is the final screencap from a Steam post showing the landscape

seen from radar control hidden by the instruments, This one is from the same location but lower and it seems a perfect match.

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New Sound (small thing in preparation?)


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