The Final Showdown Update (12th dec) - rumours and discussion (wiki)

I agree.
The whole complex looks like it could eventually be below the right handed structure on the picture with the 4 screens due to its almost round shape.
But that’s just loosly guessed.

When I saw that snake-like pipe with the bright light in the middle, I imagined it was yet again another manifestation of FNIX speaking via a mechanical snake with its all-seeing eye. :crazy_face:

Mmh. Could also remind me of GLaDOS.

there is no lemon lie, :birthday: , there will be cake, portal 4 today

Update 2024-11-21
There is a new picture to discuss about.

So, what do we see?

  • A gigantic radar dish on the right.
  • A mountain on the left, higher than the clouds seem to be
  • A curious rock in the middle, far away?

But where?
I’ll check the map…

Ok, I believe that it could be here:

I marked the guessed place of this structure with the dish, the direction towards I think we watch at, and the location of the mountain, which seems to be higher than the clouds.


Cool, I will look around tomorrow, I was playing Stalker 2, and now it’s time for a movie. :coffee:

Edit: However I have still some time so I made a screenshot standing west from Muskudden Mountaintop, that seems to fit your guess. Even though it’s nighttime.

Updated the map with roads

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So here is my theory of the locations…

A couple of potential locations. The new “Control Room with sat/radio dish” has some distinct features that lead me to believe the following locations. First is the Cliff/Rock face just barely visible above the controls. The area around there is very steep. Using that as kind of a point of reference I came up with 2 possible areas for this room to be looking out over. I have been over to that island several years ago through unofficial means, to see what was over there. Haven’t been back since, cause there was nothing over there really, except some roads and a pretty neat tunnel

Location #1 includes the Cliff/rock face and some of the possible peaks in the background. At first I thought this but change my mind to Location #2 as is had a better angle on some of what I deemed key features.
Location #2 is my preferred angle as it includes all 3 peak areas at the right angles and would show part of the cliff face.

I also included the rooftop Klinte shot angle of what is seen in that photo

Those are my thoughts. I know long winded, but I wanted to explain it better.


Yeah, maybe it’s even better than my idea.
At least we agree that it’s possible, that this site is on this island.

Probably with my idea the large dish should be able to be seen from Klinte, maybe even in the Klinte-shot we already got, so in this case your Idea would be more save.

I wonder if this island, where everything might unfold, will also get a name?
I have been thinking about what it could be. Västerö => Western island, or Västerländsk ?


As “Himfjäll” translated means “sky mountain”, or “Himmelsberg” in german, I would tend to another name, not just related to it’s geographical location.

Btw. with Västerö I immediatly had to think of Westeros (GoT) :sweat_smile:

Any Idea what else the island could be called?
What could be special about this island?
It was written about new unique terrains we will see… Maybe there is something special… Like: it could have been previously a vulcanic island or something else.

I also, just for interest, looked for real names of swedish islands and their translation, but most of them are proper names.

Geological placement is something we can reasonably guess, proper island naming referring to mountains or vulcanos are the Devs domain. But if I were to venture a guess based on what we can see now, there are a lot of dark cliffs, so a guess could be “Mångaklippor”.

I also hope they mention the name of the canal / strait between Östertörn and the western Island in the lore.

:sunglasses: I can’t wait to see what they made for us. :coffee:

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Definitely not Västerländsk, would be a slaughter of the Swedish language and in English it means Western as in Western world when spoken geo-politcal terms and shit like that.
Västerö sounds a bit plain but fully possible for a island to the West.

Then there is the possibility that they choose something half chessy, just as many islands in the Swedish archipelago have completely illogical names sometimes.

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A rocky or mountainous island could easily be called Bergö or Berg skaret alt. Cliff skaret if it was a very small island.

Here is a wiki list of islands just in Stockholm archipelago to give an idea of names. There are a lot of islands (-ö or -ön), islets (-holmen), skerries / skaret (-skär /-skäret) and straits (-sund) in the names and also some port (-hamn) and stone (-sten).

Have fun and guess wildly! :grin:


I don’t exactly remember there being anything unique about the terrain on that island, but it has been a couple years since I was over there scouting around. But I do there know there is a different type of rocky terrain that we have really yet to see. I found a couple of islands off to the south east of the Archipelago region that are not on the official map. And that terrain was way different and was really rocky and a bit hard to move in. I guess it could have been like a volcanic texture. It was really dark brown and reddish black… if I remember correctly. It was very uneven. But maybe there are using that terrain type for the tunnels under the island or they added it to this island.

But I guess we shall wait and see if they reveal the terrain or when the update comes. Getting excited. each day it gets closer.


About the canals or straits. Is there a difference between the suffix …sund and …sundet? And if so what is the diffence?

There is no difference, only a grammatical question of how the name rolls most smoothly.
I think …sundet is more common than just …sund.
To complicate things, if it’s a very narrow place, it may be named …kanal (canal) but it’s technical a strait. And then there the exceptions we discussed before, people named things for various reasons in the past like a very fast flowing strait may be named …strömmen (the current). Or a deep straith can be named with …hål /…hålet (hole / the hole) or …djupet (the depth).

These examples in this post actually describe the water but what I know of it’s only …sund that later have given its name to a town or area and …sundet to a island.
Never thought about that before and guess there will be a place or two that contradicts what I just wrote.


Very nice and extended explanation. In the lore we find that the strait that separates Himfjäll from Östertörn is called Himfjällsundet. Another strait we have in the game is Stenmirasundet.

A new teaser has been released:


The radar control and disk are located at DLC island 4 (island 2 of the screepcap posted by Gysbert).

I copied the screencap posted by Don’tGetPlayed on Steam. He said:" Background landscape from original was removed and replaced with screencap taken from DLC island 4.


Do we know his exact position and to which direction he looked?