The gasping sound when running

Carrying five weapons, fifteen grenades, two gas bottles and two thousand rounds of ammunition, you sound like that answering the door!

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Aye true , what makes this worse for me is i carry 3 equiped guns about 10 mines 10 grenades 16 Gas bottles a few radios 5 big Red cells flares and as many rounds of green and black and blue ammo to fill the spare slots , im outa breath now

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If you like it realistic, may I suggest you carry at most two, maybe three different weapons, especially if the grg is one of those weapons. Also, a tank mine weights quite a lot, so carry one at the most, or drop everything else if you want to carry. Don’t you even think about grenades for the grenade launcher if you are carrying mines!
Oh, and leave the bicycle alone. And while you’re at it, don’t carry any medpacks or adrenaline shots. Just how realistic is it to heal up to full health in a few seconds after having been hit by a mortar in your face?

All in the name of “realism”, :rofl:

So yeah, I think I can manage quite well without the “realism” aspect of the annoying out of breath sound, thank you. :wink:


Well, in that case, fix on an “immortal” mod and you’re away! And I do do that - Xezr’s Hardcore Challenge (look it up). That brings back the fear quite nicely…


I’ll try something like that out once my game stops with the crashing! Some form of built in hardcore mode would be very cool for this game.


But who goes answering the door like that? 0_O :stuck_out_tongue:

We could use weight strain and weight penalties.
I for one ONLY have the bare minimum in my inv.
Why carry more, it you never use it.

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This guy.

Feels like you’re him, sometimes. But I can agree that the panting sound could use some adjustment, or be a toggleable option.


I remember one occasion during military service, I was the GRG guy on our squad. Normal outfit then would be the GRG and the AK5 for me.

Our KSP58 guy had to leave suddenly during an exercise, since his girlfried were due to give birth to their first child. For some odd reason when he left, I was assigned to carry the KSP in addition to my other stuff, something which wasn’t all too easy while skiing through the forest (sat down on my ass a couple of times and filled the back end of the GRG with snow).
That lazy ass KSP loader guy got away from that duty! :rofl:

So yeah, that photo sure brings back some memories :rofl:

(Didn’t have to carry the ammo though! :wink: )


When I started the game, I didn’t know about all sorts of things. I didn’t know you could fast travel, so when I went backwards I ran all the way. When I found my first gas bottle, I looked at my inventory and decided it would be much too heavy to carry, so I left it behind!

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Hey Oggy,

We didn’t have nice skis to carry it for us! Well, the boys from 45 Commando did, but I was a sunshine Commando - 41, so the most exhausting thing I ever did was a fast, four mile withdrawal-in-contact carrying the GPMG and ammo; outnumbered and in open country. At the end I was on my bloodied knees…