The grind for the last trophy :)

Has anyone been able to unlock the fashionista trophy on the PS4? After the latest update?
Congrats on the otherwise really good update,I have 3 characters on level 31 so I realy enjoy this game and been gaming way to many hours :blush:, the 7 long weak waiting to be able to pick up / interact whit the key under the flower pot was a real sett back, tanks for fixing that, even if it took way to long time to fix it.

Any plans fore fixing the last trophy in the “near” future?

It may be still bugged. I haven’t got the chance to see if the latest patch fixed it.

It’s still un-obtainable as far as I know and I’m not sure if the Dev’s have acknowledge the last 2 achievement/trophies yet.

Until the devs patch it it’s unobtaiable, sorry but you’ll be wasting your time. I have literally every single cosmetic (wiki) still no acheivment. But hey we can ride a bike and take pictures at least lol

Hey @Fishgranpha :wave:

“Fashionista” is unfortunately bugged at the moment and can not be obtained.

Sorry for the inconvenience. The issue is in our internal bug tracking database and we are working on a fix for a future patch.

Thanks for reporting!

Just a thought, but whenever the Dev’s get around to patch the last 2 achievements/trophies Fashionista should be retroactive on all platforms. Can’t say much for Splash Damage being retroactive since it’s description is easily doable and it just seems odd that PS4 users are able to obtain it, yet Xbox One users aren’t.

I still have It’s The Final Countdown , Go-Getter trophies that hasn’t unlocked for me and I realize some have started a new game to get those to unlock but you shouldn’t have to do that it should be some way they can just track your progress and when they release a patch it should see that you have completed the requirements for the achievement and unlock automatically same with splash damage I’ve tried to get that for hours now and can’t get it to unlock but some have said they have erased their saved game and started over and now are able to get it no one should have to do that in order to unlock the achievements.

I see your point on the matter, but there are certain players that would rather delete there save and start from scratch to earn those achievements than wait months for a patch to come out. I started completely over just to get The Final Countdown achievement prior to the May update due to Uttern Bunker didn’t update properly and I wouldn’t mind deleting my saved data again if needed.

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