The Möller man - Killing an apocalypse tank using a 1* Möller

I’m just gonna leave this here.
Was a challenge from some of the other community members after one killed his first prototype tank using his 2* Möller. I decided to take it up a notch :slight_smile:


And that should put a stopper in all that nonsense about the game not being hard enough. Respect! :+1:

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LOL, next I would like to see the same, but with experimental shotgun and slugs :wink:

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I was actually thinking of a challenge similar to this but a little tougher. Can you Beat Generation Zero with only Handguns? Sorry, just an idea.

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That is definitely dedication to the game

Easy pistol the whole map you just need >> ‘’ no fear , 1 tonne of revives , and a klaucke , all machines on map scrap , done :rofl:

Thought you wanted to show a clip not an entire session , 1 Half hours to kill a hunter :rofl: seriously haha

It’s a tank, I believe.

Well it’s not that hard honestly. I plan to redo this challenge vs a level 4 apo tank rival


It’s not a hunter, it’s an Apocalypse tank.

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True true i saw the ’ Hunter’ on video and saw the title ‘tank’ seen on description then an hour and half , then gave up . Funny looking tank in thumbnail :rofl: