The next generation of gaming

I want FPS to evolve, and so far all i have to choose from is bloodbath arenas like apex/rouge company or the hive mind like capture,hold, and kill of games like battlefield/planetside 2 ( I won’t even mention the unmentionables) which are great games but they lack the challenge of a game of constant peril (team player or not), but with devastating rewards for those who play to win as a team.
So here’s what I have in mind:

Generation Zero
TDM - 12v12 bunker fights simple. Booby traps release robots who kill INDESCRIMINENTLY.( Ensures teams think tactical for usage).

Control- 14v14 capture points to spawn robots that attack enemy base. 1point: ticks,runners. 2points: hunters. 3 points seekers,harvester. Reapers and tanks can be spawned as vehicles after point threshold.

Demo- 10v10find and destroy all enemy team’s robot caches. Robots go online in waves as time counts down and must be destroyed to end the game. Can be demolished with c4 and other explosives before coming online.

Just one of these would make fps worth my time again. So there you have it @avalache studios I’m gonna work on my end but this needs to happen. Battlefront almost had it but AI troopers on the field are just aggro bait. But in clearly visible vehicles or robots they become a target of interest for players because they’re deadly but we know they have to be taken care of as opposed to a bot slipping through the cracks and killing us with no smirk on the other side of that screen so i died for nothing. Think about it.

Moved to #feedback-feature-requests.
