The (Not) Official Slav Boiz Thread!

I need to get my Slav on!:v:

Yes you do, brotha! Slav squat is best way to kill machine!

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Ivan, if squat like this in air, enemy can not take you



Only true slav, slav on sh*t bucket!

Me (Boris), brother Ivan and comrad Vlad kill swedish machine that not play good HardBass. Cyka Blyat!


A new apprentices of squatdom.

Aerial squats.

Enslaved seeker will help you to assert dominance through squatting.


And where’s Tri Poloski (три полоски)? Since without it, you’re not a true slav.

Around waist, over shoulder, on the forehead.

My question was meant for everyone in this topic, since i don’t see tri poloski anywhere. :thinking:

Well… this was not what I expected when logging on this morning.

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Here’s a true slav for everybody to see: :sunglasses:

If you do not have Addidas tracksuit with white stripes (одна, две или три полоски), you are not a true slav (or “gopnik” to be more precise). Simple as that. :roll_eyes:

So, no “gopnitsa”?

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There’s an official meme topic, but we’ll keep this one separate for now. If there’s a drop of activity (or if other memes are posted here), I’ll merge it with the memes thread.


Old stuff.
Local punks and soldiers fishing for machines.

Thoughts about vodka, semki and eternal…

Edit: multipost.
Authentic Slav AI-76 reload techique:

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true Slav only feel tickle at top of step !!

What a lovely day to relax in da grove with pets!

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We found castle in swedish highlands. Me Ivan, and Dmitrij look at beautiful sun going down and we think of glorious home country, Arstotzka.

Playing some chess with Ivan. Good break after kill swedish robot

You see Boris, when squat in air like me, swedish robot become the confuse and knows not if use the anti-personel or anti-aircraft weapon!

Enemy can not find if squat inside box. Stealth 100%.

Slav Squat, Ville Style.


You see Dmitrij, when ride bike like me you will go the straight for fear of falling off.

No, Ivan! Capitalist King can not shoot communist pawn with Kalashnikov!

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