The resistance, got a question

Has anyone successfully completed this mission using the original weapons from the game and not the experimental weapons?
I’m still using the OG weapons and it is like trying to kill a rhino with a nerf gun. Runners no problem, but the hunters are being sponges even when you unload in weak spots. Even with armor piercing rounds. And for some reason during this one fight the characters reaction time to reload or heal is practically cut in half. So it’s like running up an ice hill.

Watched someone complete it with experimental weapons and it was like watching someone attack tofu with a samurai blade.

Yes you can because i did it.
I wanted the DLC trophies, but my save had a bug, so i started a new game,and i beat the DLC missions with no experimental weapons.

KVM59 and AI76 should be your best friends :wink:

Also try using flares and fireworks.

Also, also - one more competent player in coop will make this mission much, much easier.

Another solid pro tip, especially for solo players is using m/49 with HE rockets. :+1:

Drop the rockets into any group of machines to damage them all at once. Runners should go down with 1x HE rocket while Apo hunters need to take several.

I was doing that, and I almost had it. but for some reason his reload time do so much slower which caused me to fail. Its ok though, it is supposed to be challenging. Just didn’t know if I was doing anything wrong besides the style I play. haven’t used flares since halfway through the game. Lol. But I can go do some looting and retry a different way. Thank you everyone.

Don’t wait for it to reload. Change weapon and blast the rest of machines.
Reload rocket launcher after current wave is finished or when you’ll have some breathing space.

I’ve tried and failed the mission three times. Solo, level 28. Original weapons only (my only exp is the kpist). On my last try it went quite well and I was on the final wave when the hotel ran out of health. 4 star Ai-76 as main weapon, but my real damage dealers were some 20+ mines I had hoarded + gas tanks. Just knowing where to place new mines after the waves helps tremendously.

After my last failure, I watched someone complete it on YouTube, and I think the most important aspect is to SPOILER ALERT:

draw aggro from any enemy firing at the hotel. You can heal and use adrenaline shots, the hotel can’t. I think the key is to aggro that tank in the final wave.

For my next attempt I’m hoarding new mines, HE rockets and 7.62. Would love to get my hands on some exp weapons or 5* ai-76, but the rivals are just dropping clothes or bicycles…

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