Things I've already passed on to the devs to look at for future patches

One thing for bug number 5, it seems to be related to how many keys are being pressed at a given time. If I am trying to circle an enemy, either dodging shots or just to get at the less-resilient backside, then sometimes adding a fourth or fifth keypress to swap a weapon won’t let it swap. If I stop for a moment and swap it works 100% of the time. Hate to necropost, but I didn’t see it mentioned. Hopefully it helps in reproducing the issues/getting a fix out. I’ll also be following up with a report, including the info on this comment.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Weird Disembodied Machine Sounds

Perhaps it is just me, but I like this. Hunters, Runners, and Seekers all keep trying to get into buildings and, rarely, succeed. It makes buildings imperfect for cover. That is good, IMHO.

My experience of this is that key presses are sometimes missed. Yes, it happens most often when switching weapons, but can happen at other times as well.

CORRECTION: I previously linked a bug report which turned out to be incorrect.

Great topic :slight_smile: I want to add what’s most annoying, it’s the name of the ammo. It is too long and very awkward. You can shorten it, make the icon smaller and clearer. This is the most annoying thing, although the whole menu is not very convenient either.
The game is really fun.

I see this topic gets revived from time to time, so I’m going to close it because almost all of the information is outdated by now. @Blakiukas I have noted your feedback, thanks :slight_smile: