Things to add or fix

The inventory - as is is a total waste of space it is terrible. I hear this was done for game pad users who need slow pace in games?
Splash damage - rockets hitting hardened shelters or lighthouses kill you inside due to splash damage.
Robots field of view - currently they can see through walls and mountains, they seem to have 360 view. They can even shoot you when they are not in sight even with an IR viewer.
The inventory - yes this is so bad it really needs fixing.
Over encumbered - horrible just make it so you cannot pick up anything as the game is already being slowed down enough with the inventory. Robots never slow down.
Loot - what a load of rubbish, you end up with thousands of bullets you cannot use and only 20 or so of what you need.
Crafting - Waste of time in its current state, who cares about clothes with awesome +1 buffs to detection or falling.
The Inventory - it really does suck.
Action bar - needs to be viewable at all times and should allow drag and dropping items to it.
Weapon damage - this needs fixing as it takes hundreds of hits to take down tanks/harvesters when they can 1 shot you.

There are probably another 1000 things to fix in the game to make it fun instead of a one sided dying all the time.

Preparation is better than solution.

You no longer can go head on out the blocks anymore.

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I actually don’t have an issue with dealing damage to tanks and harvesters. My approach is to get as close as possible (and EMP if possible) and unload on the rocket pod or mortar, then run away. If I didn’t take out the rockets/mortar then I try to finish knocking that off from a distance. Then I give the machine gun the same treatment. Once those are taken care of the tank is basically harmless (except for very close range attacks). Then I can take my time destroying it’s components one by one until it’s dead. As for harvesters, start the same way, sneak up behind it (and EMP) and unload on the missile pods, but don’t run away. Circle it and try to stay behind it while continuing to shoot the missile pod. Once that’s taken care of I shoot the fuel tanks (that big box under the missile launchers). It has three sections, left, right, and middle. They are pretty fragile. By that point the harvester should be dead or on its last legs and just waiting for you to put it out of it’s misery (watch out for close range gas attack). Hope this helps when dealing with those enemies.


I have a question for you: If the game is that bad, why keep playing it? Why not leave it and play something else that offers better satisfaction? :thinking:

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Posting withdrawn by author


As long as it’s kept civil, and constructive. Keep that in mind.

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Are you saying that the €34.99 that i payed for GZ after it’s launch means nothing, while the reduced price of €24.99 that GZ has costed for many months now means a lot?

Even i have bought games which looked fine but turned out that i didn’t like them. However, rather than me going to the official channels to vent my frustration about them in a very negative way, i give devs constructive criticism, so they can take my feedback and improve the game.

And here’s the difference. Just saying this or that is terrible doesn’t help devs. What helps devs is pointing out why this or that is bad and what could be done to improve it.

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Posting withdrawn by author


I don’t really think people are venting in a “very negative way” for the most part. There may be outliers (just like there are sycophantic outliers who see nothing wrong at all no matter what happens), but I think the vast majority of people are remaining fairly collected - remember that text online is easy to read hostility into if that is one’s prerogative.

I will point out one thing - having done work in the industry, the “give constructive feedback so devs can improve the game” only really works with one condition - that the developers make it known what they want. I (or you, or him, or whoever) can come up with extremely polite suggestions, backed with quite logical thought, which is of absolutely no use because it’s not in the scope of what a developer wants their game to be. I could make an extremely logical argument we should add fishing to this game, but I don’t think it’s going to go far because the developers (as far as I know) don’t want fishing in their game.

All of the suggestions we’re making here about adding things or fixing things is nice (and I’ve certainly made my own), but the only way it’s going to actually be realistically useful (and I assume you want it to be useful), is if we hear from the developers about what they actually want their game to be and how it should work.

Move the conversation from “Give us your ideas” to “Here’s how we want the game to play. How do we get there from here?”

But we can’t do that because there is zero conversation from developers here - they let you all do the talking for them, but you don’t have the answers, and things get lost in translation and/or just not communicated at all. So until then, fixes, additions, etc, are less useful than they could be. Not your fault as moderators, just a poor system from top down.

No, I disagree. OP clearly posted in an overly negative way with more than one bullet point being the same just to drive it home even harder. Over the top and unnecessary.

We don’t speak for the developers of Generation Zero. There simply hasn’t been an official response yet. On the forums we’re doing what we can to stem the tide of players that are unhappy with the game, especially the April Update. Of which there are already two enormous threads (one that was locked), where they can relay constructive criticism and feedback.

What we don’t need is an overly negative list of “THESE THINGS ARE BAD”. I can’t speak for @Aesyle if she gets annoyed at the number of these kinds of threads we’ve already seen so far but it doesn’t help the situation with these long tirades of people arguing why the game’s gone bad.

DISCLAIMER; April Update is unbalanced. I know. We all know.

But if you’re fed up with the game and/or it’s not delivering what was promised, either wait and let the devs take on all of the feedback that’s been given thus far, or refund it and move on.