This game is no fun as a solo player

As a new player who plays solo this game is just ridiculous. You can’t do anything or go anywhere without being constantly killed by overwhelming numbers of enemies that you simply can’t kill as you don’t have the ammo. Enemies just spawn out of nowhere, right in front of you and even inside of buildings that you’re taking cover in. The stealth mechanics don’t work, no matter how sneaky you are, enemies see you from a great distance and rush in numbers to my location. Tanks and other large enemies just spam you with rockets that you can’t avoid, and that even kill you through the roof of a hardened shelter.

I currently have a mission to find a bunker on an airbase, well two days now and I’ve not even manahed to make it past the guard house at the entrance to the base. I did go over the fence once, but was met by a Harverster, two Tanks and about eight Hunters - that didn’t go too well seeing as how I have hardly any ammo and crappy weapons.


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