Tips on getting SMG ammo?

I love the kpist, but I am utterly unable to gather not even close to enough ammo to make it viable weapon to bring along.

Any tips to where I should go to bunker up? or any other tip for that matter…

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Most important: get Salvage skill, preferably lvl2 to find more ammo each time.

For looting 9mm SMG, Farmlands region is one of the best.

Also, FNIX runners drop 9mm SMG quite often.


I find SMG ammo literally EVERYWHERE, but I think that best place to start looking is Archipelago Region.

It’s the most common ammo type I find… even thou I have no SMG in my inventory.


Everyone’s ammo algorithm is different. I carry an SMG, but find more than I can ever use, so I only pick up AP - ignore everything else. Soldieers are good for SMG ammunition. Make a note of everywhere you find soldiers. They are generally not in bunkers (Torsburga woukld be the exception) but in the countryside, or by docks. For instance, South of the Airport (the big one) there is a burning tank in the field with soldiers, and if you then go west and a bit south, there is an ambushed convoy with more. You can then by going north sneak into the back entrance to the airfield bunker where there is a gas room with lots. You’ll take a health hit, but it is worth it, I find.

Soldiers are your solution…


Oh, for specific looting spots:

  • Sorken command bunker (Farmlands)
  • Märden command bunker (Forest)
  • Minken command bunker (South Coast)
  • Tosberga fort (South Coast)
  • Österviks Industriomrade (Farmlands, NE of Östervik)
  • Nyhamnen (South Coast, S of Östervik)

With latter two, look into different colored shipping containers since those are filled with loot boxes.

Österviks Industriomrade is my go-to spot whenever i need 9mm SMG, 7.62mm FMJ and/or 9mm Glock ammo. By looting everything there (quite a big POI), i get quite a lot of ammo.


Any tips on harvesting ammo quickly?

Especially SMG ammo?

I have a silencer, a nice 2X combat scope, a thermal vision attachment, and an extended mag for my SMG and I REALLY like how it fires, but I had a couple combat heavy missions yesterday, followed by me doing some ill-advised Rival hunting (had my fill of that for a while) and ended up using all but 12 of the 750 SMG bullets I had.

I’ve temporarily switched over to my Assault Rifle, but it has no silencer and the recoil is a beast.

Any ammo gathering tips?

Thanks in advance!

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I recommend spending 2 skillpoints on «Salvage», that will increase your ammo finds by 50%. I think Runners drop the most smg ammo, and later in the game you get it a lot from FNIX and Apocalypse class Hunters. You should also search military bases, checkpoints and roadblocks. :blush:




I plan to focus more on looting / exploring more for a while now anyway, had my fill of combat for now!

And I am working my way down that Scavenger / Salvage tree, just unlocked Lockpick.

Thanks for the advice!

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That’s good, and if you’re on PS4, you can REALLY look forward to the upcoming update and DLC. It’s amazing, and it turns the farmlands region into a warzone, with plenty of loot! :blush:
Lack of ammo really is an early game problem, though. It pains me, but I often have to throw away hundreds or thousands of rounds, because I simply don’t have room for it.
But stay put for the update coming in august. It also fixes the broken difficulty, so you’ll have an easier, much more enjoyable game. :blush:

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Sounds great!

Although I am happy to be actually challenged by a game for the first time in a long time, I don’t mind the hardness level. I really hope they don’t make it too easy because of complainers!

EDiT: Also, yes I am on PS4. Will the new DLC be the third one, or the second one finally being made available on PS4?

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IMO, it’s not too easy with the new fix. All 3 difficulties seem to work as they should.
Adventure is easy, by what I could judge from a short try.
Skrimish is well balanced, and good for mid to end game players who want to roam around and fight machines.
Guerilla is hard. New players who start out on Guerilla have a real challenge ahead of them.
But yes, I agree. I played GZ from the day of release, and it was refreshing to play a challenging game like this. I’ll never forget the first time I had to face a tank! I didn’t have a clue about how to defeat it, and after plinking at it for 30 minutes, I gave up and retreated! This game forces you to try and fail in order to learn. :blush:

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I play on skirmish.

I learned I could actually kill Hunters yesterday.

That was a great moment.

Then I got overconfident and went hunting rivals.

One was a Hunter, patrolling with his buddy in a dark scary forest. Killed the Rival, got killed by his buddy, came back, killed buddy, could not find body of rival to loot, annoyed I may have missed a rare drop.

Along the way to fighting that Rival, I stumbled across two other Rivals, one Tank and one Harvester.

I won’t be fighting them anytime soon!

Also, enemies in the area around that Safehouse (Dikyn or something, northeast corner of archipelago region) seem to be perma aggro’d towards me, and there are always gangs of Dogs waiting to jump me there now.


But I’m loving it!

Reminds me of Far Cry 2 in a lot of ways, if you ever played that game.

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Same question topics merged.

For SMG ammo tips, read my above replies.


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Thank you! Appreciate all your assistance!


Hunters are a formidable enemy. Just wait till you’re trapped in a house or a barn, surrounded by 12 Hunters trying to gas and bomb you out! :wink:
I actually envy you that very special feeling of being new to this game. Once you get the hang of it, there’s no going back. Few games have made me feel so powerless as you start out, so enjoy it while it lasts. Once you get a hold that awe-inspiring 6* PVG90, nothing can withstand your firepower! :boom:
And yeah, I played Far Cry 2 back when it released, but I really don’t remember exactly what it was like anymore. (Arguably) my favorite FC game is actually Primal. That game kicked my ass in the beginning, but by the time you get mid-game, you’re super-caveman! :laughing:

On topic: I’m not sure if this is still the case, but back when GZ was new, and we had a grid based inventory, and NO storage box, the game seemed to “learn” what guns you preferred. Like if you carried one of every gun, you only found a little bit of all ammo types. But, if you only kept your 3 or 4 favorite guns, the game changed the loot pools to match your guns, and then you would find more of what you needed. In other words, don’t drag around guns you may think you need, but never use. Store them or drop them. I remember this really did the trick for me back then, but as I said, this may not be how it works anymore. :slight_smile:

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Great post, thank you!

Sounds like there have been a LOOOT of quality of life improvements to the game since release.

Even my loot Storage Box is starting to get really near to full, quite early on, due to my OCD exploring and looting tendencies!

And yeah, I know I still have sooo much of the game (and DLCs) left ahead of me, especially since I don’t get nearly as much time to game anymore since my housemates all work from home now due to Covid precautions.


It still works to this day. :wink:

E.g if i switch out my .44 Magnum to Klaucke, i stop finding .44 ammo and start finding a lot of 9mm pistol ammo in loot boxes.


Yes there has been. I have loved GZ from the beginning, and it’s really sad it had to suffer from poor reviews at release. The critics should have encouraged people to try out this unpolished gem, and support it’s development. Instead they compared it to AAA games, found it lacking and swept it out the door. I accepted GZ for what it was, and it has become one of my favorite games. :slight_smile:
Haha! I’m sorry, but you may have to unlearn that OCD looting. I know how it feels. :wink: I’ll just say that I encourage you to keep a close eye on what weapons, ammo, consumables you never use, and then drop them. Keep that box filled with the surplus of things you actually use. Don’t load it up with tons of gas tanks and radios, and stuff you can find lying around everywhere. :+1:
Another tip for you is to create more characters. You can use the other ones as mules. I have one lvl. 31 character, one lvl. 26 that I currently play as, and I also have two lvl. 1 characters. I use the two lvl. 1’s to carry equipment that I know I may want to use at some point, and that I don’t want to give away to others. In my box I store guns that I periodically use, and guns and attachments that I want to donate to other players. I also store my most used ammo types, spare medkits, adrenaline, and a few lockpicks. One day I suddenly realized I had stored 16.000 rounds of 5,56 mm! I threw away 12.000 of them to make room. You don’t even need OCD for that to hurt! :wink:

Good to know. Thanks for clearing that up. :slight_smile:

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Brilliant! Thank you!


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I’ve noticed that FNIX Runners tend to drop loads of SMG ammo, with both Salvage perks they tend to drop 20-60 rounds at a time.