Trash cans in the safe houses

Trash cans in the safe houses would be really nice. Help remove excess materials. Have it so when you leave that safe house the trach can clears out. I grab and scrap everything. So after an hour or three of playing depending how much I scrapped and dropped. The game gets really laggy and crashes. Happens when I play solo or when I host a game with my brother. Play on the Xbox one s.


That’s not a bad idea. It would definitely help tghe lag, if nothing else.

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Is there a limit as to how far you need to be for them to dissappear? Or some kind of time limit? Cause I do most if not all of my scraping at the homebase and the camp safehouse. I mainly play in the forest and farmlands region but I do go off hunting for schematics sometimes. But the bags seem to still be there even if I was across the map.

Maybe it’s just my playstyle by looting/scrapping everything were a trash can is much needed. I think it would be a good future to make managing the storage easier.

I dont know if there is even a time limit.
But if you drop to main menu or enter another player session they disappear immediately.

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Hello. Leave all unnecessary things in the dead cars and everything will disappear with the corpse.

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Wait, you mean that if you simply drop something in the car, or a body, it will simply dissapear?

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Yes, I do this sometimes to get rid of excess in one go . I play on PS4 Pro.

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Nice, I guess using that logic we kind of already have trash cans.

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Here a little pic for the running step-on-litterboxes :laughing:

Just don’t get used to it to much, dropping anything in to dead machines and loot boxes will be removed in the next update.


You’re right… As a safety-function for not dropping your experimentals (or anything else) in some loot-containers accidently.

In my opinion a lock-function (or: mark as favorite) would have been a better solution.

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Especially so as not to disassemble them accidentally on the workbench!!!

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