Unable to reload during & after combat


Unable to reload weapons once entered into combat, or immediately after. This is for every weapon I have. After I loot a container it will reset, and I can reload up until I enter combat again.

Steps To Reproduce:
Anytime I enter combat, anywhere on the map.

Players in your game:
Just me (I play solo)

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This has been happening to me on ps4 and i was just about to make a report so i’ll just add to this, a work around is to go into your inventory and unequip then re-equip the weapon and you should be able to reload again.

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Same with me. Up to level 5 I was able to reload without any restrictions. Now it is only reloaded automatically if the magazine is empty. This has of course a negative aspect in terms of tactics!

This occure very rare on my new save on ps4 but not to be able to fire just after reload is more often occuring these days. I have full mag, but have to reload again to be allowed to fire.