Unify Emotes and Weapons radial menu

With so many items, and more coming, I am running out of space on my weapons wheel.
I have to resort to deploying things via inventory menu, or just not bother using them.
I would like to unify the current radial menus so I can put whatever I want on them.


I dont think it is meant that you should carry and use everything all at once…


Although the idea isn’t bad, I don’t think it’s necessary.

Sometimes you/we have to live with what a game offers. The previous limitation (before the wheel was introduced) of a slot for a primary weapon, a slot for a secondary weapon and some slots for equipment (in total less than 8) still has been removed and opened up to 8 slots, free for all.

Yes, there is still new content with each update or dlc, but why should the devs always adjust the available space?

Every game with an inventory for items (and weapons) always requires inventory management. If you have limited space, learn to use it. See it as challenge, not as need for something more.

There always are requests for more space in inventory/plundra, more carry weight, more quick selection slots, then again for more weapons, items, ressources and so on.

Always more doesn’t always makes a game better…

At least in my opinion.


That is not what I am saying.
I am saying it’s tedious to for example go into inventory and equip fireworks instead of flares in the heat of the battle.
This is a UX/QoL thing more than anything.
I play solo and have no need to do emotes, which is why I suggest having two generic radial menus we can put what ever we like on.


I don’t find it challenging to swap items on a radial menu, I find it laborious.
This is not a matter of more inventory space, etc, but rather letting the player decide what to put on the two radial menus we have today.
As a solo player, I don’t use emotes at all.


And I would find it too easy to have all in quick access.

If I go out on the battlefield, I prepare myself.
I craft what I need and didn’t find, I recycle at the recycle station, what I don’t need any more, I select the weapons that I probably might need or use and choose ammo for it.
Same with items and equipment.

If I need something else, I take cover somewhere, switch items or weapons and go on. That’s not often, because I’m prepared for most cases. And I’m also prepared to react on unexpected situations, but it can take some effort to become able to react.

All together, that’s the challenge.

But, hey, that’s just my way, my opinion.
There are also opinions that want to be able to recycle and to craft or to have access to the plundra from anywhere, because having to go to the stations each time is too laborious…

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But it sounds like that is exactly what you are saying, you have 8 slots and with these you have to prioritize what you have equipped.

If the battle requires something you havent equipped, due to bad planning or unforseen events is part of the challenge in my mind.


I guess it’s just because of different expectations to the game. And it’s legal to have them, if you didn’t know what to expect when you bought or got it.

"There are weapons, there are enemies: it’s a shooter. Then let me shoot and don’t disturb me with the need to manage something. "

But GZ isn’t just another arcade fps. It’s so much more.

I get what you’re saying. I have two wheels, 8 slots each, and I never use the emote wheel, except occasionally when my pack wants to put on a concert and then I’m the Guitarist. Or when we needed to dance during a base assault, a mission that hasn’t seen the light of day for the last four months. Most days I forget that emotes even exist.

Absolutely agree with the feature request! Item management in the game is the tedious part I personally struggle with. I am playing solo on PS4 and do not need the Emotion wheel (L1 button) at all (which in turn is great feature for coop and youtubers :slight_smile: ). So, it would be nice to have the option to alter Emotions menu to support additional 8 items. Anyway, for those who like more realistic planning, you can always ignore the option and play in any manner you like.

“open up the sandbox. Who doesn’t like it, can still stay inside of it.”

By this the devs would satisfy a few people, but would destroy the whole package the game offers, in my eyes.

And don’t forget PC players. On consoles or on gamepad we have a L1 for emotes and R1 for inventory-shortcuts.
On PC it’s different. There is Tab or mousewheel instead of R1… Or the number keys for quick selection. But there are just 10 number keys…

Well, you could modify the key-bindings a bit.
But in the end PC players would have a disadvantage compared to as it is now. And it’s the leading plattform. Hard to sell this…

Indeed. I think having an entire selection wheel dedicated to emotes is a big waste of commands and I would rather just have it as a second inventory wheel, and emotes can maybe be moved to the D-pad controls

I play mostly multiplayer and we never ever use any emotes. Why should we considering the fact that we have headsets and can talk to each other.

But I don’t think 8 more slots for stuff is going to make the game better. For me a part of the game is to plan ahead and choose my equipment. So 8 slots as of now is enough.

But I do miss the old days with no weapon wheel. The old way was much smoother and you didn’t choose the wrong Item as might happen with the wheel

Bro, worst take ever. You literally have the option to improve a UI and you think it’s bad… If I have 1 boombox, 1 small explosive cell, 2 medium explosive cells, 4 propane tanks, and I need to use 3 different explosive weapons, and a remote denominator, and a couple of other primary weapons loaded with expensive ammo.
And then set the trap up for a giant boss robot. And need to equip the 2 different kinds of medical packs, flares, fireworks, and emp grenades in the empty inventory slots that were used to plant explosives in case the enemy still manages to survive it (in which they do most of the time but get them to like 10% health).

You literally need to open the map, switch to inventory, scroll 5 taps to get to equipment, equip the item by trying to find it hoping the robot hasn’t blasted you yet (and I have been pretty good at doing this fast but it is frustrating and impractical), then that is not a “skill issue”. Work smarter not harder

I don’t know what you try to tell me.
Do you even think I’m a Dev? Nooo.

That’s what you should do. If I read your list of used items… that’s too much for engaging a single robot in an open battle.

Use them for traps. If you’ve not been discovered yet. Then it’s easy to use them directly out of the inventory (which even wasn’t possible two years ago).

Too much. Focus on one.

Why 2 different ones?

Focus on one of them.

Yes, is a legal option. But you could also use EMP ammo for the granatgevär, if you chose to focus on that explosive weapon.

Bruh, didn’t say you were a dev. I dunked on your take and said you should be able to access inventory quickly in a way that is less interruptive of gameplay for console players.
It’s easy for you to ignore these points because I’m assuming you have lots of resources in large quantities but the reality is that I want to be using everything as soon as I pick it up in moments where it works. This is typical for people on longer expeditions. For instance I’ll have simple and advanced med packs and I’ll use the advanced one if I’m in combat.

If the idea of having a second menu wheel is that “scary” to people who want to gatekeep a basic UI fix, then at least have an option that instantly brings you to the equipment tab rather than having to scroll to it