Aye, this could be a reason why my friend crashes on her game a lot. When she joins me, she hardly crashed (only the most annoying crashes after a reaper was killed though) making either one of us rage quit because we spent awhile killing it, just to crash and not loot the body afterwards.
I’ve also noticed when you set the difficulty to raise for every new player entering, this also causes game lag on the host, as now every mob that was on the map, is supposed to be scaled up in damage, and it seems it doesn’t happen immediately, only when you enter that region they scale up, which causes intermediate lag for a short duration.
As for the infinite ticks issue, I’ve not seen that happen yet as I don’t allow but one FNIX base to get to tier 3 before I go to destroy it, and rivals once they reach tier 4, i go and kill them off immediately, and allow another tier 3 to reach tier 4, so that is how I farm them.
I rarely crash, but when I do, I can be sitting at a control point building, or a safe spot, and it’ll just crash out of nowhere. I will have maybe 2 rivals on my map, and no FNIX base in sight anywhere. I don’t let the maps build up with rivals, as soon as they hit tier 4, I drop everything I’m doing and go and kill it, then go back to what I was doing previously. That’s probably why I don’t lag very often when I’m actually roaming the map and leveling up rivals to kill, as I’m always culling the robots to keep my map clean of FNIX bases and tier 4 rivals.
But once I sit still for a long period of time, they build up pretty fast, and I’ll lag out, relog, come back and the bases are a lot further than what was previously reported. So I honestly believe some of the lag is due to the map not updating fast enough too when the FNIX bases upgrade, or a rival gets stronger.