For the life of me, I CANNOT get to the end of the ski slope in time. I’ve done anything I can to get less time, and the best I can do is the 3rd flag to the end. I even tried going up the hill before I start and getting a head start with speed by going down into the shack, and even then I still cant get any further. All I want is to get this achievement. I’m just trying to 100% the achievements. And a big problem I have is sometimes after I start the mission, my game will freeze indefinitely and I have to restart the entire game. Back to the skiing, Here’s a list of things I’ve done to go faster/get to the end in less time:
#1 - Stored all of my items in hopes of going any faster at all (0 pounds weight on my person)
#2 - Speed head start (as per mentioned above)
#3 - Taking 3 different routes (to the right slope, under the large poles, straight down)
#4 - Put a field radio at the end of the slope and fast traveled after starting the timer (didn’t work)
#5 - Switched to a dirt bike after starting timer (I made it to the end, mission did not complete)
#6 - Tried all 3 bike colors that I have in hopes of seeing any changes in speed
Nothing worked. Any help in completing this or just being given more time would be great… Thanks.
Platform: PlayStation 4
Description: Refer to text above
Steps To Reproduce: Fast travel to the Hammarbodarna safe house of Himfjall, go to vehicle station, spawn in regular bicycle, either go backwards toward top of the hill behind you, or head on rush the shack and start the mission, ride to end of slope.
Images / Videos: I would include some but since it really isn’t a glitch and I’m assuming this is a widespread problem, there has to be evidence somewhere else. Plus, it’s easily testable.
Host or Client: Multiplayer game, 2nd player was both in-game and offline while issue occurred (on separate occasions)
Players in your game: Refer to Host or Client section.
Specifications: I believe I have a PS4 Pro, and play on a connected TV.