Update is a downgrade on upgrading

I don’t know who green-lit this grind but the numbers are overtuned. 1k phosphorus to get a gold-tier weapon augmentation is ridiculous. At 9 per hard base defence, that’s 112 successes to get one augment and that’s if you don’t want decent walls to protect drills that are apparently constructed with tissue paper. Did you at Systemic Reaction or your play test crew test this only on accounts where you can airdropped all the materials you need? QA signed off on this as OK? Do you even play your game the way the rest of us mere mortals with lives do? 5 of a super-rare crafting material per wall, which requires defending the base against invasion to get in the first place, is asking too much, let alone the thousands needed if we want to upgrade more than one weapon or, heaven forfend, make our own advanced first-aid kits. No person with a reasonable amount of spare time is going to want to spend it on mandatory base defences.

You’ve taken a chill, fun experience and turned it into a grind-fest, gating content which was previously available to us behind a chore.

Please remove the need for phosphorus on base defence structures (a volatile element on a wood and steel wall? Are you insane or just a sadist? What’s it even for; glue?!).

Please cut down the ridiculous base-defence-only materials requirements from augmentations.

Please remove the need for phosphorus on healing items when it’s also needed for so many other things and is a severely limited resource.

A friend of mine has autism, and he’s losing his mind over this patch. He was content to avoid base defences and just play the rest of the game. Now he feels forced to do a thing he doesn’t care for just to access stuff he was able to freely access before and is considering uninstalling over it. Dude’s heartbroken and I don’t blame him.


I have the same issue with experimental ammo and medkits since you have to do 100+ base assault/defence missions to unlock all experimental ammo. I dont think many players wants to do hundreds of base missions for a few augments and experimental ammo.


I have a couple of thousand hours across all three formats GZ released on but I utterly despise the base assault / defense mechanic and I have done since they were introduced. (I did them enough to unlock whatever was gated behind them and then never touched them again.)

Reading that I have to go back to base assault / defense to even experience this content for latest update is making me consider uninstalling the game for the first time since I bought it in 2019.


I guess it’s better doing base defense, as you can only get the new needed ressources from there.

I agree with the phosphorus issue. I was planning on literally getting a health stealing gun setup before the update happened, and now I have to grind like crazy to even get one done, let alone the first aid kits. The other issue I have with the defense missions is the ethanol grind. It is also one of the biggest farming issues and only trying up to medium defense was annoying.

I love the change on the defenses due to have to have one for each structure now, but the hassle of the grinds are absurdly time consuming. Makes it feel less rewarding than actually feeling good for doing them. Plus finding out the hard defense for the Furnace defense is Soviet bots without warning really hurt. Lost 80 Uranium because I didn’t know the bots overall changed.

Some notice on what to expect for enemy type would be nice, especially if it changes in the region. Either more plentiful gain for resources or lower requirements for building/crafting would make it more enjoyable than a time consuming task for one upgrade would be nice.

I love the changes to ammo drops, managed to get the new AI-76 experimental and I’m loving it, and had fun doing the new missions. Otherwise, the overhauling for defense and resources kinda hurts and makes it more of a chore than a fun way to earn rewards…Hoping to see some good change for it soon, but till then, gonna try and not go too crazy wanting a new healing gun.


Does it depend on the special structure, the difficulty or the region?

Totally agreed, I’m avoiding the base defensive gameplay now for said reasons.

No, its random between Soviet Machines and Swedish Machines. Doesnt matter the region or Special Structure


When I did the defense, I did medium ones with ease. They were Swedish bots and didn’tcause much harm. I wanted to try a hard one because I really wanted the regfined uranium. Once I started it, immediately got attacked by Lynx scouts and a Firebird scout. Didn’t know it was hitting the furnace right away and lost all in about 40 seconds.

I tried defense missions in a totally different region on hard and nothing happened with Soviet bots, only Swedish. Did a medium at my normal drill base and got Swedish, but tried hard and it was changed to Soviet. No clue what the chance of them is, but its insanely unfair how hard they hit the machines when Firebirds are in play.

It’s really overwhelming when the lower difficulties don’t give much, but the highest is so hard to balance air and ground bots. If it said what bots were attcking, would be more forgiving compared to losing all your uranium in one sweep because you weren’t ready.

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Oh I can imagine what happened.
I have a cute little outpost at guldängen.

Sometimes some Roaming machines, mostly swedish, come along.

When I did my first new easy base defense there, just some swedish machines came. After it succesfully ended, the real fight began.
Suddenly more swedish but also soviet machines came along. A firebird flattened half of my outpost just with one salvo.

That sounds about right sadly. The one that attack me shot at the furnace, then carpet bombed over it, and thats when I had lost everything. The fire it left just melted it, even though doesnt make much sense on a furnace haha. I normally attract other bots with the conflict, but they don’t show up till after the defense is done.

I primary get random roaming Lynx, Runners, and once in a blue moon a Firebird. Otherwise its a calm area that has little problems for enemies.

My furnace base is at Stroskogen Control Poi t in the forest region. It has a nice hill side snipers and wail on boys coming up and a boulder the furnace exhaut faces to avoid damaging my structure. Its open otherwise and that I hate. Havent found a good base location I like for the furnace yet, but this is what I’ve been doing till then.

Isn’t överby a location for the furnace?
I guess I have one there.
Did an easy defense there which was pretty easy to defend with my little outpost.

I yet have to try higher difficulties.

Damn what a situation you described…
It is indeed now a “chore”, a normal person might do 3 or 4 base defense and thats it, no one wants to do only that all the time to get a few resources.

The Test crew probably played in cheat mode or something lol, because no one normal would think its okay the High requirements they ask.

There is a big difference between making an easy game or a grindy game, we never asked for an easy game, just not a grindy game like it is now more than ever.


I think this new upgrade with new materials and all that , put the last nail in the coffin for this game.
I have spent 2000+ hours in this game , collecting an hording stuff for the future , and now worth shit , thanks alot .
The final plot story and all that fine , the new island ok , there is nothing to it after the mission , but anyway , you should stayd away from the rest , there is nothing good at all from that.

The best thing would be to make sure u could reverse the update , because it is killing the game for sure.

Its possible that its a furnace location. I thought about going through every point and seeing how the building setups are to find my preferred place, but I scrap the old base just to save time on phosphorus. The grind again stoos me from wanting to try hard on the resources, so saving time by just moving the whole base.

I did get a random side mission that popped up to hunt a VIP harvester after the story was done. Dont know what caused it to appear, but there might be a delay on missions to keep things spiced up. I havent put that many hours in myself, but honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this kills it. Its a fun new idea I can appreciate for making new ideas and changes for base building and such, but it definitely wasn’t tested to a 1 on 1 scale. Too much to do for little enjoyment.

I get 9 per easy defense mission. I get 27 per medium mission. And I got nearly 45 for a hard mission. Hyperbole much?

It’s Ethanol that’s needed, and only for Advanced Med Kits. But you don’t need Advanced med Kits, because they overheal you. You can make Standard Kits without special mats, and they will heal you more than a base Advanced Kit will. How? I’m glad you asked. Sit down, because school’s in session.

Skills are uncapped, so you WILL get every skill. In the Medic line is a skill that gives you +20/40/60% to the healing of a med kit. Oh, snap! And the med kits heal 25/50/75% of health base. So 25% plus 20% of 25% (which is 5%) means that Simple Med Kits now heal 30/35/40%! Standard Med Kits now heal you 60/70/80% of base health! 80%>75%. And the Advanced Med Kits? 80/95/110% of base health. If you’re waiting until your health is at 5 to heal, you MIGHT need Advanced Kits, but I’m sure that 99% of us could get by with Standard Kits. And Standard Kits don’t need special mats to make AND they drop from machines, so you probably don’t even need to make them.

Also, Advanced med Kits still drop in large enough quantities to keep you supplied if you don’t suck at the game.

You get phosphorus from dismantling existing structures, you know. And since now all you need are 3 bases, one of each type, you can dismantle all the walls at your other bases and focus on building those three in a proper configuration to optimize the defensive requirements of the mission you’ll be playing there.

Tell your friend to chill. He’s only freaking out because he has someone like you telling him the sky is falling when in fact he’s actually fine. This is so manageable. And you don’t have to run defense missions more than you want, because the FM-TEL missions and a properly constructed base means you only need a little running to get what you need.

The only b**** out there is getting what you need to craft 6C ammo (which I don’t use a lot except in special circumstances, because normal FMJ/AP does just fine). Still working out how many missions a week I should run to optimize the Furnace runs. The key is optimizing the base layout to make it easy to defend while being easy to vent your furnace when it overheats. Reinforced Soviet Walls are key. The base should be at least 11 spaces wide and orient the furnace so that the vents are facing those walls. Make it no longer than you need, and before you start the mission, open all the gun ports. Then stay inside the base and shoot what comes at you while venting the furnace as required. Simple.

Drills are the next hardest, sionce tyhey can’t be too close together, but you can enclose them ina a 6X6 set of walls (8X8 including the walls), and they can be placed 7 spaces from the wall, which leaves enough room for one of the walls to be a door, and a hunting tower to be down the middle allowing you to shoot anything coming at your drills. Use chain fneces between the Reinforced Soviet Squares, and a Pillar in the middle, and you should have the right spacing. The rest of the base can be protected by whatever half-walls you like. They won’t attack that, but it’s nice to have something to take stary bullets for FM-TEL repair missions…

As for the Chem Lab, make sure that you have a 13x13 space free of everything and Reinforced Soviet Walls all around it. When you kick off the mission, LEAVE your base and stay out. The Chem Lab will vent regardless of what you do, so don’t be near it so you won’t get burned. Simple enough. The Dirt Bike Track in the Farmlands has a LOT of space to make this sort of base, and the stationary objects can’t get damaged, so you can even use them to your advantage. I use the open cargo container as a door in and out of the base.

My biggest gripe with defense missions is that they don’t indicate the robots anymore, which makes them hard to see at night, which is when it tends to be all the time, it seems. Other than that, the new missions aren’t that big a deal.

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I dont get it why we cant get ethanol or phosphorus from the many industrial areas in the game.
Those are usually empty spots that were supposed to be rich in resources and heavily guarded by the machines, that would be super realistic.

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At least they should add some more sources for them. Base assaults, rivals or tyrants…

Maybe just few, but more with defenses than it’s now.

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It would make sense to have defense missions be the only source if they planned to expand the options later, and this was just to get us used to the new resources. But since they’re abandoning the game, they should have just unlocked the resources and putt them in some of the high end rival/reaper/vulture drop lists.

Bad design choices like this are why I’m so harsh in my criticism of them.


it was an accident, base defense wasn’t meant to be like that, :pensive:, someone there mistakenly put numbers & such In places we’re not be placed, other than that