Vesslan Command Bunker | 1/3 Weapons

Hey, i’m having troubles finding the .44 magnus, i haven’t understood where the safe is located in the map, can you please help me?

Be more specific, what location/?

Vesslan? because this chats about vesslan? :upside_down_face:

My concern was the original enquiry for the .44 Magnum.

Vesslan Command Bunker has an -

Algatusare Hunting Rifle
Klaucke 17

Oh ok, i’m really sorry, i got confused, forgive me

No worries at all, any other issues flag 'em here.

Happy hunting

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I found one of them where you spawn it’s laying on top of the big white table that’s behind the map board

All 3x weapons in Vesslan Command Bunker to conclude this topic and to make locating them better:

1* AG4 (1523, 3776)
1* .270 (1687, 3773)
1* Klaucke (1681, 3769)

Loc screens




Topic closed.
