Virus Update Blues

Well, I assumed if everyone is self-isolating, that everyone would be stuck at home with nothing else to do but play Gen Z, or talk about it. Seems not, eh? No one’s about.

I assume the DEVs are all sitting at home too, since there wasn’t a broadcast and not even a message to say there wouldn’t be one. I assume that means there is no update next Thursday!

Perhaps the DEVs don’t see the need to risk life and limb for the cause. Can’t think why not. Seems reasonable enough to me.

I had it before it was officially anywhere near my area, so I didn’t make the connection until afterwards - worked though it, never thought about it. Here I am the other side. A survivor, IRL as well as in Gen Z…

So who’s still about?


Definitely count yourself blessed bootie, i’m glad to hear you’ve been a lucky one from this awful situation man… In my area there have been about a dozen cases with 4 deaths, it’s a scary time indeed.
And that’s with the benefit of Canadian health care. So many other countries don’t have the access people locally around me do, and my heart genuinely goes out to them.

For the update, i wouldn’t count the chickens before they hatch man, it all depends on how far along crafting has come, if it’s as simple as just getting it through certification then we should see it regardless of skeleton crew or not, but it does depend on whether or not the team is actually working on skeleton crew or not, and whether or not putting out an update during this time is a smart idea. I know Corvid has hit Sweden itself pretty hard, so in the end i just hope everyone at Avalanche are being safe during this.

For me i’ve taken full advantage of my current job postponing teaching, it’s given me a lot of time to put together videos for GZ unimpeded so i’m taking the good from the bad for myself.

Again though man, really glad to hear you pulled through, and same for anyone in this community, you’re all very important as the cogs in the wheel of generation zero, from developer to moderators, to content creators, to regulars and to casual players. We all play a part in the incredible adventure of this games development.


You “had it”, are you saying you had Convid 19? :open_mouth:
Glad to know you survived :wink:
Most people in Portugal are self isolated at home, working from home or with family, things are okay for now, not many dead, Italy and Spain are in bad shape, soon U.K will be too, but i`m more worried with the U.S, they panic too much and hoard too much, i´m not criticizing, it´s a known fact, within a month we will know how things improved or not in most Regions.
I´m curious about the update too…if they made already most of the work they might be able to go through with the update, if not, time will tell.
Keep safe and healthy everyone .


Portugal’s doing all right - better in fact than Sweden. I hope it stays low, though in fact I think it will have to pass through the population before we’re really safe and it may be back next year, slightly changed. Mind you the 1919/20 virus never came back, or not as virulently. A long way to go, I think. I reckon I’ve got another two weeks at home since my work has closed. Bit hacked off that it closed this week, since I was on holiday! A week’s congé gone down the tubes. Still I think they won’t open until the week after next, so I’ll get the time at home. I have my wood workshop to play in and three seasons of Game Of Thrones to watch, so I’m as happy as a trivet!

Fortunately I had it very mildly, but it is odd - it seems to look for weaknesses, and in my case, finding none, it moved on.

I hope we get the update! Perhaps one of the DEVs is watching at home and can tell us…


Well, I reckon everyone at home is the perfect time to give them something to do! Canada is right down with Portugal (see below) as to numbers. The UK had a good day today, with only 66 new cases. Mind you I’m in France which is doing worse than the UK.

I must admit I look at the figures ten times a day - they are all on updated throughout the day. The figures are correct to the decimal, at least every time I hear a figure on the TV, it is the same on that page.

So it’s “crafting” is it, the update? I hope it’s more to do as well. New missions or new areas, or both.

Anyway, what are we going to craft? Stick what on where? We can fit attachments already - don’t quite get crafting…


I´ve also been following the Virus numbers since February, now it`s a matter of time and see how quarantine reduces the numbers, 160 countries already.

I was hoping for new explosive weapons, like c4, IEDs and Molotov, but then i saw the apparel , can´t say i´m looking forward it :sweat_smile:, i´m actually concerned about new crashes and bugs…
New missions or unlocking those closed bunkers to explore would be great though :smiley:


I have this on my 2nd monitor

What? Not all the time? That’s like watching a football match on Twitter! Watch Game Of Thrones for a bit - take a break! :laughing:

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Yes we’ve been rather lucky, we closed most external airports rather early on (beginning of march i believe) and that played a major roll in diminishing the count of outbreaks.

It’s really disheartening to see that number getting close to 10,000 deaths so far… but on the bright side seeing 96k closed cases is a breath of relief. At this point it’s all about mitigating the harm done, reducing further outbreaks, and working towards a vaccine thus as we did with the last Corona virus outbreak of SARS.

It seems like everything close to central Europe and Iran got hit very bad by Corvid-19… The tool i’ve been checking on here -
It’s not so good for the accurate numbers but give a good global perspective.

Yes it’s 100% confirmed at this point! :grin:
This has been a project the team has been working on since April last year, so it’s quite seasoned by now and hopefully should be a massive expansion to the game!
For a brief summary we will see the re-introduction of clothing stats, but this time we will be able to choose what stats are applied. But even more interesting is the general crafting, we could see new attachments (grips, shoulder stocks, bipod/tripod, dual clip and more as this progresses)
Speaking of videos, if you have ten minutes to spare i have a video on everything we’ve found out so far throughout the year towards crafting, plus what the general crafting bench will likely look like, plus some speculation on crafting moving forwards you can watch here if you’d like -

Can’t disagree on wanting more story related elements/missions/areas, but that is the thing that requires time, the team is clearly putting together a very interconnected story, with twisting narrative and many factions at play, so it’s the kind of thing that requires time and care put into it. I hope over 2020 we’ll see the locked doors as the fine gentleman @Mr_A1992 mentioned, get opened, and those missions area expansions and more come to the game. It’s all a matter of giving the team the patience they deserve to see it come to life :smiley:


Nah, I still have the last two seasons of Mr Robot and season two of Altered Carbon. Btw my second monitor is on a shelf with a large Asparagus fern on the shelf above drapping over most of the screen.

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Molotovs would be great and I suppose I wouldn’t mind if you had to syphon petrol out of a car, collect bottle and rags and make them. Sort or. Or you could just find them in garages. Okay, immersion, I get the crafting for that.

A molotov should cook a Hunter, but make it crazy-mad first, tearing round blindly in circles and bellowing. That would be the most satisfying moment in the game!


Exactly! And c4 could be found in military crates and trucks, Maybe one day…


Well, I’m off for 12 minutes to watch your video! You are a busy bunny, with your videos! Well done. :clap:

If I’m not working next week, I’ll make mine - I’ve been threatening to for months.


…and you squinting through it. :flushed: Have a beer - it’ll all be fine!

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The Team sure has a golden opportunity to expand this game, 3 other islands to explore, locked bunkers, new missions , i think 2020 is going to be a very interesting year for Generation Zero :sunglasses:


Cheers my friend, honestly as the self proclaimed “most dedicated content creator of generation zero” i only find my passion for GZ growing over the past year. To an almost absurd degree :rofl:

And it’s been almost a year now :wink: but as i said in the first place, tell me when you do eventually get to it! I look forward to any perspective/entertaining content for this game, and try to support everybody that takes the time to create something based around it :smiley:


Good to hear from you all, guys. Had the flu/covid myself over the last two weeks. Flu or Covid, that is, as we have both in Denmark now. It was quite atypical for a normal seasonal flu, and I had all the Covid-19 symptoms save breathing difficulties, but … wouldn’t be certain without a test. I fear the “dark numbers” on infected by this disease is frighteningly higher that the official numbers world wide. Denmark is on total lockdown. The government has acted quickly when the seriousness of the situation became apparent, we closed down the borders before the other European countries, and even our Queen addressed the people on TV (which she only do New Years eve), and that hasn’t happened since WWII. Only Supermarkets and Pharmacies are open with restrictions on how many may enter. All dentists have been ordered to close down consultation for 3 months to come. And I’m on full time work from home, by the way. Everybody in Denmark who can be … is.

Well, this was an update on the virus as the topic states. So now I’ll dare to go a bit off topic and talk about GZ. Crafting sounds cool. It’ll certainly be interesting to see what the team has made out of it.

Please be careful and take good care of yourself and everybody around you. PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUS! Also you young girls and boys who think you might be immortal. You might be, but your grandmother is not.


Glad to hear it didn’t turn into a out of hand issue for you my dude, it’s very true, Covid is a silent disease so the dark numbers can be the more serious.

It’s good to hear Denmark reacted appropriately, this isn’t the type of thing to just shrug off, and i feel the world has taken serious notice of this over the past 3 weeks. (though safe to say i miss having the opportunity to buy toilette paper in my local super market :sob: )


My topic! Virus and Update and Blues - all of those subjects are on-topic! :face_with_monocle:

Glad you’re over it - me too. For most of us, it’s very mild. Lauri has it as we speak, I think, and she hasn’t got the cough, but is short of breath - much more worried about her than me.

I still want the update to come, even should the world fall. We should think of it as practice…


… and I love your morbid humor :joy:

Well, counting all the hours I’ve clocked in, I’m pretty well prepared :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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