WARNING: don't accept invites on other servers


Maybe I’m to cautious.

Got an invite from someone I don’t know (…) and who stated he changed his username.
Wanted to play on his own server etc. etc.

Doesn’t seem clean to me - what about you guys?

Follow your gut feeling…

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What he is suggesting is an old way of increasing what you have without grinding for it.

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I’ve been scammed three times in my life. Twice via the internet. So I became very careful.

@JuanEyeJack: that I understand, but nowadays one can’t be careful enough with sharing data and opening entrance to files etc.

If you host your map, then anyone can do what I think he was wanting to do and the host would never know nor be affected by his actions.

But cannot go into more detail without going against the COC and TOS of the forum.

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Yes and thanks. I hear you.

As Gysbert stated… I’ve learned from my ‘trust’ in people (also ransomware).
First thought was NO.

No harm in avoiding it, at least. :+1:

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