Was hat sich verändert?

Hallo zusammen,

habe vor 2 Jahren Generation Zero gezockt.
Was hat sich denn seither verändert?

Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand ein kurzen Bericht geben :slight_smile:

Danke schonmal vorab.

Hello everyone,

I played Generation Zero 2 years ago.
What has changed since then?

Maybe someone can give me a short report :smiley:

Thank you in advance.

Welcome to the forums. Please translate your post, we’ve got an English speaking policy.

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In short: much

  • new enemy faction (soviets) with own hostile machines,
  • almost all regions were revamped,
  • new story missions,
  • new weapons,
  • new crafting,
  • basebuilding, base assaults and base defenses
  • some UI and control changes (for example a weapon-wheel)
  • daily assignments per week
  • performance got improved

Schau es dir am besten selbst an.

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Danke Dir, werde auf jeden Fall reinschauen.

Wie ist der Multiplayer gestaltet?

You should follow that . :point_up_2:

Multiplayer is the same as it was 2 years ago.
Cooperative with up to 4 players in total.
I recommend to set your options to “invite only” and just to play with friends/people you know.

Additionally, sadly there are currently some critical bugs in multiplayer that cause crashes. For example if you try to complete the story together with friends, the progress just is saved at the hosts safegame.

Oh, two more important new features:

  • new game+, which offers now up to 4 “worlds” for your 4 characters. So you can now restart the story and map without deleting your safegame and play with your existing character(s).
  • motorbikes
  • lots of (paid) DLCs