Wat scope on what rifle?

I’ve got 3 types of Scopes for sniper rifles.

  1. How do I know what Scope fits what rifle?
  2. How do I connect it to a rifle?

Of course I first searched on this forum, but didn’t find a clear answer.
Maybe this is handy - a page most of you know?

GZ weapons

Try clicking on the scope and it should have text at lower right on what it fits.

To attach it to the correct rifle. Have the rifle on your character, open inventory, click on rifle, click on sights, list of scopes you are carrying will pop up. Click on the one to want to attach. Then click on attachments and it gives a list of attachments for the scope you attached.

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Funny that you’re asking how to attach them to a rifle, as they already are attached to rifles…

There are a few more to find:

  • pistole scope (just for magnus)
  • 1-4 rifle scope
  • 8-16 sniper rifle scope
  • red dot sight

I hope I didn’t miss some…

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Add the 4X8 and the 6X12
And the RG7 scope

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Quite a procedure in text - thanks, I’ll explore this.

Yes, the 4-8 and 6-12 I didn’t mention, because he already had them.

But add the bows pin point scope.

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Do people need solutions for everything these days?
Couldnt you just try it on a few of them?
Its a trial and error thing.

PS: There is also the shotgun scope, altough most people dont like to use it.
Cant remember if the Bow has a sight attachment…

I always like to do these types of processes at the locker. For the protection and I can clear or add what I don’t want with what I do want. A few of my weapons I bring more than one barrel for them. Like the AG4, I like the power of the extended barrel but at times I would like to use it for a silent sniper rifle so I carry the silencer for it too. The other one is the M46 SMG. Coming in behind wondering runners you can take a few of them out before they know what is happening and any machines near by are none the wiser.

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Many good answers so far, so I’ll throw mine into the mix as well.

To start off with, unfortunately I’m not aware of any info on the scopes themselves, but if you have the scopes in your inventory, you can check each individual gun you have to see what scope will fit on each weapon, and it should include a graphic on the scope if it’s equipped already on another weapon, and if I recall right, there will also be something on the screen to tell you which weapon it’s connected to.

Off the top of my head I’m pretty sure you can put that 4x8 scope onto an AG4, algestare hunting rifle or the mauser hunting rifle (I probably am misspelling both of the hunting rifles, sorry about that.)

I think you might be able to put the 6x12 scope onto an algestare, and 100% you can put that onto any of the PVG90 models, personally that’s the scope type I use on the PVG. When you do eventually find an 8x16, those are exclusively used on the PVG models, if my memory is working right.


Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t have to start a topic.

It’s not clear to me.

And why are they offered seperately if they’re already mounted? Don’t see the logic in this.

Same here, always trying to have a balanced backpack.

I am not aware of any rifles/weapons that you can attach a scope to coming with a scope already mounted. When you get them they have open sights.

The way things work now is a lot better than before the updates on inventory. Like a lot have commented, click on an attachment and get a list of all things it can be attached to. When I first started playing the game, you had to just see what you could attach to what and that goes for what ammo each weapon used.

Reason I didn’t mention the other weapon attachments is due to the OP’s question about scopes and rifles. J/K


Also good to know - I’m here to learn.

The way things work now is a lot better than before the updates on inventory. Like a lot have commented, click on an attachment and get a list of all things it can be attached to. When I first started playing the game, you had to just see what you could attach to what and that goes for what ammo each weapon used.

Progressive insight :pray:

Ok, trying it now.

‘click on Sights’ - where do I find this?

Do you mean this icon?:

and does this item indeed already have the scope on it?

The ‘90’ right above it doesn’t have a scope. Both 2 stars - what’s the diff’rence - why does only one get a scope?

This is nice, with the Pansar:

Sorry, I could swear I seen this the other day but I am wrong. I tried it myself and doesn’t work that way at all. But you can sort your inventory by “suitable weapon” then select the weapon and it shows you what you have in your inventory that you can attach to it.

Sorry for mis-stating it.


No difference…
It’s one scope per gun. If you carry one pvg of each class, just for fun, you still have to carry the same number of attachments for them and attach them on each to have them “equaly”.

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So good questions. First off, if the slot is greyed out, there’s nothing attached to that specific gun for that slot, if it’s white, there is. Now here’s a little bit of info that will probably pop up as a question later, so getting it out of the way now. When you deposit a weapon into the storage box, you will need to have the total weight available in the box for the weapon and all attachments as it will want to deposit the weapon and everything stuck to it. Here’s where it gets a tad confusing, when in the box it will say the weapon has nothing attached, but as soon as you pull it out, it will withdraw all the necessary attachments. It’s one of those things all of us old bloods don’t even think about any more, but thought I should mention it before you had a heart attack thinking the blasted box had broken your weapon. =)


The mousewheel is handy in case of zooming in and out. The recoil is something that’s not so nice, because I’ve lost the visible contact with the target.

Add: I now also have the Älgstudsare hunting rifle. It’s a lot lighter and has less recoil of course. Nice.

Very interesting and good to know! Thank you (all)!

And now that you have the ability to get crafting recipes for all the ammo types, it makes it a good weapon to use. It used to be that getting the 270 ammo was an extreme pain in the butt, so that has been a very pleasant change to how the whole system works now.

Also if you’d like, DM me and I’ll clue you in to a spot where you can get yourself a purple PVG90 to replace that green one.

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