We need more robots!

I’m tired of running around the map and looking for robots! Yes, it’s strange to read, but it’s a fact! Especially the difficulties when performing challenges!

The graphics in the game can be admired forever… but, more robots!


It should be an option for enemy density like low, medium, and high.

It would help with people who can’t handle crashes and those who can, to have more fun :slight_smile:


Problem is the exponential AI pathing calculations required which will cause severe performance issues if machine amounts are increased alot in one place/fight.

But i agree most times areas are just empty, when there could be machines guarding, patorlling places.

I love fights where is 20+ all sorts of machines hunting me down, me using every trick and bullet to survive.


Adding more machines will cost $ billions for the enemy to create.

I’m just guessing, but fnix doesn’t mind of $.
It even doesn’t mind of swedish crowns…