Weapon at Ängsnäs Estate/Manor

Plattform: PC
A weapon could be found in the Ängsgär estate. But all the weapons I found did not count.
So I looked around for a video that showed a description of where to find something.
And lo and behold, there is a blatant divergence that may explain why I can not find the weapon.
In the video 2 weapon boxes are found in a large shed, but in my game there are no gun boxes in the same place (red circle in the screenshots).

Thus, the question arises whether the weapons boxes are at a different location each time the game is restarted or if this is a bug.

Since I found all the weapons boxes at this site, but did not count any of the weapons I found, I assume that it is a bug.


This is not a bug. The weapons found statistic refers to actual weapons placed in the game world, not from boxes. If you want a hint; check somewhere up high, in a place built of stone. For the sake of the topic I’ve moved this to General Discussion.

If you mean the ruined castle with the place of stones where to look, there is nothing to find. I’ve been around x times already. Nothing

Not the castle, on the top of a kind of ruined wall, if I remember well.

Weapon location. Coords: -4214.774, 2136.369

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yes found it. Go to the top of hill onto one of the window arches and walk downhill beside the road and there is a wall with a dead soldier on top.

When you pick up a weapon that counts towards the map stat, you’ll get a hint in your hud/on screen. As Xezr pointed out, all weapons counting towards these progress stats are deliberately placed in the world, kind of like story items. Weapons in loot boxes are always regular loot spawns that also do respawn.

Shall we continue this thread? Because after FNIX Rising DLC there are more weapons here. I got 4/6 only.

Found a m/49 under the bunk bed at 4190, 2222.

And a Möller PP inside a shipping container at 4111, 2138. It’s behind the car that’s on its side which is blocking the container. Just go around it on the right and you can enter the container.