Weapon peripheral suggestions

Cool analysis, dude.

I can see how strobes might be problematic due to certain oddities with the AI.

I definitely think that there are other gameplay functions that lasers could fill beyond the lockon feature I mentioned before. The perhaps mildest thing could be for it to be a faster version of ADS, as that’s sort of the point IRL: to be able to aim faster than you could technically get a sight picture. But if nothing else, it’s a cool thing that suits the vibe of the game, so as a mainly cosmetic addition would work well for me.

Glad you like the shotgun idea. The game could of course introduce the SAIGA or a SPAS/USAS, but I think that a modified Sjögren will suit the setting better and be less work for the devs.

I’d love to hear what gun peripherals others have. After all, I didn’t just want to create a thread about my ideas, I intended for a general thread about cool ideas people might have.

Of course it could. But these shotguns are 90s.
At least USAS is late stage prototype at a time.
I’d include them too.

Granatgevär optics
Something that would be completely realistic would be the addition of optics for the granatgevär. In real life, this weapon was actually sold with a scope included in the kit from the manufacturer. The Swedish army generally trained soldiers without them because at closer ranges, it was believed to be detrimental when leading shots.
Thus, it should be possible for players to attach all the optics that other guns might have.

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Yes! I can’t wait to use an 8-16x sniper scope on an exp. Granatgevär with a full vision module!

My opinion - I would finally enjoy clear view and comprehensible crosshair to measure distance, instead of counting pixels. Optics on PRG is a big factor to it’s superiority over CarlG.