Weapon Pickup Location Updates Broken (Once You Have Played Multiplayer)

As the title, Weapon Pickup Location Updates Broken (Once You Have Played Multiplayer) suggests, joining a multiplayer game seems to break the weapon pickup completions for locations in your own save. Collectibles do not seem to do this though.

I have numerous locations that you can;t complete the pickup - the weapon does not show up in your game. As a test, we used a new character to stand precisely where the weapon is to make sure we were in the correct spot for all the locations we tested - this has nothing to do with “not finding it or looking hard enough.” some of us are on our second or even third play through. Thanks!

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Heyo, which platform are you on? It’s supposed to work this way if it’s you hosting the session, but joining another shouldn’t affect the pickups in your singleplayer game, so that sounds like a bug. Out of curiosity, which weapon locations did you guys test this at?

The most obvious one that has never updated for either my wife or my game (after playing in another players game) is the Airport

When I filed my bug report, I had not found this thread. My apologies.

Hello everyone,

I second this issue and would like a fix (or I swear the completionist inside me will force me to delete my save and start all over just to get that 2/3 weapons to go to 3/3). I encountered this issue at the Vesslan Command Bunker and cannot pick up the pistol at the destroyed watchtower as I foolishly picked it up in multiplayer. I think the only work around with this issue is to not pick up the weapons and return in single player to have the game update correctly.

~ Vatruvius