Weapon Wheel Custom Key Bindings

I use only KB/M and the wheel is used only to assign things to the slots, after that I use keys 1-8 to select what I want to use. And since the “weapon” wheel is new, I assign the same slots for the same weapons before the change to a wheel. But the #3 key now is not restricted to pistols/bats/hammers, I use it for my SMG. The addition of the #8 key I use for my KVM 59 or the Russian Sniper rifle.

The keys that I have always used for my binoculars, adv health kits, field radios and hand grenades are still the same keys or slots. When I swap weapons on the #8 key I do so by pressing my inventory key, click on weapons, click on the weapon I want to assign to a slot/key and click on the slot. I don’t do this in battle.

There is never a time I need to open the wheel to use something from the slots, just use my assigned keys.

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I use the KB/M too (PC) and assign everything by order of punch and use. Then using keyboard keys 1-5 in battle to switch between primary weapons by habit and the weapons wheel to select items rarely used (like handgun/melee) assigned to 6, 7 and 8. For instance placing most used weapon on 1 and healing on 8 I just nudge the mouse wheel and heal quickly.

Depending on character I use (active specialization) and items needed for current activity I mostly use 6-8 to exchange those items. By scrolling on the mouse middle button I can keep focused on the monitor instead of remembering what seldom used items I assigned to those keys.

When aiming with a scope the mouse wheel still works as intended zoom. So no complaints from this player at least except that picking up items doesn’t auto-equip an empty slot like before where previously item was.

The big upside for me was releasing the forced no 3 key and unlock four slots to what I needed better in battle and move the other stuff away. With one more slot to use too.

Replying to this topic just to point out that there are different ways to use the weapons wheel. Sorry about technical difficulties and issues players have, I really am, and hope developers find solutions that works for you too. What @ObligatedRug050 describes how using controllers feels like sounds horrible.


Custom bindings is a good idea and again something gamers know about because we compare to how other games do things. A customable interface in fact would not be a bad thing. I’d even plump for a ten-slot action bar along the bottom of the screen like in many MMOs, with customizable buttons, an optional minimap in a top corner, a chat box with better cursor control and ability to paste text and scroll up to older messages and a UI that can be scaleable and have adjustable opacity.
There are so many ways that the UI can be made less clunky.

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For me this game is broken since the last key bind changes.
It allready was bad,but in stead of getting better it got worse.
PC gamse without proper key bind support is a nogo for me because i change almost every key. (i dont use wasd).
But i can`t get my money back cause i played to many hours.