Weapons stuck / not changing and incorrectly named

Note: This isn’t the same issue that plagued the game for months where it would skip your alt weapon when changing.

I had my PVG 90, and rocket launcher equipped. Then went into the inventory and swapped out my rocket launcher for the KVM.

Went back to game, and still had my rocket launcher. Dropped back to inventory, and it showed that I was equipped as I should be; PVG 90 & KVM.

Then I noticed the name of my rocket launcher;

It was labelled as the KVM but was obviously still the rocket launcher. It took some frantic dropping and picking up mid-fight with a rival Apocalypse Tank to resolve the issue.

Xbox One X

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SP game or MP game? Also, it can be tied to your (or host’s) internet connection speed.

Two days ago, i joined a friend and there was another player there as well. Didn’t note who was hosting but i got pretty bad sync issues (aka lagging) when i was there, especially during combat. And on that instance, i too had the issue you described.
Equipping another weapon didn’t register. Sure, inventory view showed that i had HP5 equipped in my 2nd weapon slot but outside of inventory, i still had my AG4 on my hands. And that remained so until combat ended and game properly synced us where my weapon replacements were finally registered.

In my own SP game (playing on PC), i have 0 issues replacing weapons during combat, regardless how chaotic things are. Also, i haven’t had that issue in MP either, until i joined my friend and (i think) his friend.

Slower internet connection speeds, especially when people are on the different corners of the world can cause such issues. Since everybody’s game needs to be synced to host’s game. And when host has poor internet connection, it slows everything down, producing lag and what not other anomalies for others who joined him/her.

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It was an MP session with 1 other player. I was the host and I have a wired fibre connection. 330Mb down, 30Mb up.

The was no discernable lag at the time, but it was easily among the biggest fire-fights I’ve had in a long time.

This has happened to me also and I only play solo.