Weekly stream - summary request

Here is the new stream of tomorrow:

Let’s hope it works this time.
And that they experience the issues we have.

The last stream was cancelled as Pontus fell ill, unless he gets unlucky again we should see it.

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Just watched about 20 minutes.
Where there any news?

Nope, nothing. Just an ordinary playthrough.

Ostrich. Burying head in sand. Problems? What problems?

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Seems there is no stream today, isn’t it?

Yep, no stream due to illness according to their twitter.


One more week, one more stream.
Anything new or interesting?

Hotfix coming sometime middle of September.

Also unsure if Pontus said something about a larger patch coming out at a even later date. Don’t quote me on this :slight_smile:

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Any good news today?

Nobody followed it today?
Just was in for the last 20 minutes with just half an ear…

All I got was that they’re working hard and go deeper and deeper, but that nothing is for sure… No release date of the hotfix, no release date for cool new stuff, not if the halloween event will come this year…

They told something about maybe balancing how the dlc guns are provided. The told something about backpacks (were removed at about 99% because of some serious bugs), the plundra expansions and something else I didn’t really hear.


Most i know from a clip posted on the Discord is something about how the world works, not too sure since Zach didnt go into much detail but its coming in next major update apparently.


There were many people following, I was.

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But are you going to share?

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Ok I’ll share the link…

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You’re really funny today, Gysbert.
But you just don’t write more than you’re asked for, so…

Could you please give us a short summary of what they talked about?

Can you tell us, if there were any news for content, bugfixes, a roadmap or something else of interest? And (don’t just answer “yes”) could you please write, which news there were? :wink:

Sadly not everyone is able to take the time to follow the stream or to watch the videos and not everybody is able to understand every spoken word, so a short written summary can be very helpful. That’s why I once created this topic.

Oh, thx.

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I am? Summary: it’s all bad news. :coffee:

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Bad news? I must have missed that :C

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I was joking of course… :grin:


New week, same question.
As there isn’t a video on YouTube which I could have watched now and I don’t like twitch… Has anyone seen the stream and can tell us what they talked about?

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