Weird loading today

Went on to Generation zero and I couldn’t move my weight was 400kg when I looked why turnss out My recycled items was all in my Satchel, had to drop them and check my recycling was empty, had to return from my drop bit by bit till they were all restored.

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It happens. Not sure why this is. But here’s a trick to save you some time. Down yourself with a rocket launcher, shock ammo or grenades, then fast travel to the F23 Overby Air Base Safehouse. You’ll end up right in front of your plundra, where you can easily dump it all back into the storage.

be careful dropping anything, :school_satchel: if your game crashes, if you have multiplayer people’s nearby, if the game decides to disappear your backpack, etc, just drop with caution

experimental shotgun with medical ammo will help move about