Welcome to the Party Room

Welcome my Friends with the recent spotlight addition and extra base cosmetics I decided to make myself a party room :partying_face: and thought I’d share it, the extended radio/boombox tunes are just too good :guitar:
(I would have taken screenshot at night but oh well) !


What music does the jukebox play? Same as the radios and stuff?

Nice room!

This needs some fireworks too! :+1:

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True, maybe a Firework launching device as a base building cosmetic would be cool to see or I could pull out a few Firework boxes

Yep It plays a longer Version of the Radios/Boombox music and Damn I want to hear the entire songs because they are so good, one unfortunate modifier about blaring music at maximum volume to the World is that it upsets the robotic neighbours!

Smoke, we need smoke/fog.

If the regular smoke grenades actually indeed affect the machines sights, a smoke generator device would be really cool.

And you could use it for your party room, too :wink:

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