What do you think is in the next DLC?

This forum will be about the other DLC islands and what you think they may be about. All ideas welcome,
(if this is not in general discussion tell me or if i cannot make this forum tell please.)

I need to do some exploring, but I think there’s an island above the alpine unrest island, and it has a bridge connecting it to the current island! It’s also bigger than the first DLC island.
I’ve also noticed that some of the other islands have marked roads (which means they could be in development :smile: ) I think there is what looks like a runway on one of them, maybe we will have another airport location!

ya, it is the next DLC to come out and is in development by the team. if you have ideas or conspiroteys
about the island then tell me

Don’t know if there’ll be ticks on those islands. But bugs for sure.

Sorry, couldn’t resist. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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If I had to throw an idea in, I’d do something like Jurassic Park did. Main game, main island Jurassic Park 1. Himfjall is the secondary island that was secret, Jurassic Park The Lost World. The next island should be where the machines were actually made. This Island should be the development labs.

It’s got to have a big, big facility, heavy in industrial themes, but not too science fiction. I want a boss enemy, something that was secret that you learn about early - that you have to work towards fighting - not something that’s given in story. Side quest missions to progress that take preparation, research, and a new story direction in order to wake the beast. Raise the level cap to 40, and as we are at the research labs - an experimental perk needs to be implemented. If Himfjall brings experimental weapons - then the next island should bring experimental attachments or clothing that tie into the main story line - with bonus gear through side missions.

From a personal perspective - and no doubt a lot of other players will be at max level and geared up. There’s only so much more map space to can build on, so make it time consuming and worth the time.

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Hmmm, next DLC… :thinking:

  1. Mark 1 Revision 5 as random roaming enemy.
  2. New type of machine(s), not just another class.
  3. Island on West unlocked as new area to explore.
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They should add raiders that should attack robots and have camps.And also you should have a house or a little camp and you can fortify it and it cloud get attacked and you can have defenses and traps

And if you can’t add raiders or it’s not that good then what about a robot that is human like and can have guns from one crown to six crowns to add a new deadly foe

I agree! They mentioned androids as a possible new robot type on the survey. I think it would be so cool to have a human-like robot. I think it would also make it a bit creepy to see a human form chasing you at night. XD