What is up with this room?

Has anybody came across the guitar collection yet? What’s funny is that I’ve played this game and beat it. But I’m still finding new things as I keep playing and exploring - which I love!

That’s just a portion of them in the pic. Anyone know what the story is here? I mean is this a nod to anyone in particular - a plot point for in the future - me just wasting everyone’s time? I was hoping it might be a fun discussion. So I’m hoping there’s some great feedback.

The room can be found in one of the houses upstairs around here…

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Well, there is nothing to help discover what the story behind this particular set-piece is. I have kept a list of all characters, and addresses of significance in the game.
Peter Hammargren (National Guard Coordinator), lived at the address: Måsvägen 1 Salthamn, and is the direct neighbour to the red house with 14 guitars. With house numbers often uneven on one side of the road, the Guitar Lover’s address probably is Måsvägen 3.
Long ago, I added info about this address to the list i mentioned, and according to their mailbox then, a Family Andersson lived there. However, the game now shows a mailbox resident called Persson (person without an active role). :thinking:

If you look at GZ’s rockstar Benny’s profile, we find no link to that guitar house in Salthamn.
It most likely is designed by a dev who has a love for music and specifically Guitars. :coffee:


I have seen this house two years ago as i explored the islands more after i finished the game. I wondered how many guitars are there. Only the house of Benny’s dad that is in opposite to the Church in Österhållan on Hjimfäll has a collection of guitars as well inside. Seems to me that the dev loves the classic Fender Stratocaster.


There is an address in Lilla where they love to jam, it has 10 guitars, but they are not all in the house alone. :coffee:


Well a big thanks to you both for helping me out with that! I was curious and was hoping someone might have some answers! You guys rock! :rofl: :rofl: With guitars and all!!